Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus FY 2018 an introduction & REVIEW Presented by – CARES Of NY, Inc. June 2018 Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus FY 2018 an introduction & REVIEW Hello – I am Denise Doin with CARES of NY, Inc. Today I will provide a brief overview of the Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus available funding. This webinar was developed specifically for agencies that are interested in applying for this Bonus funding being offered in the 2018 NOFA. CARES developed this webinar because CARES believes it is our responsibility as Collaborative Applicant to inform the CoC of additional funding opportunities.
GOALS Introduce the DV Bonus funding available Provide an overview of the DV Bonus funding Explain what type of Projects a CoC can apply for Highlight how projects will be reviewed, scored and funded Today’s presentation provides an overview of the DV Bonus NOFA, including what types of projects can be funded through this bonus, how many applications a CoC may submit and the criteria on which they will be reviewed and scored. 2
Domestic violence (DV) Bonus funding FY 2018 Funding of up to $50 million available A CoC may apply for up to 10 % of it’s preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN) or a minimum of $50,00 which ever is greater or a maximum of $5 million whichever is less, to create up to 3 DV projects Regardless of project type the grant term must be 1-year A CoC can only submit 1 application for each project type The FY 2018 HUD appropriations act provides up to 50 million for Rapid Rehousing projects and support service projects providing coordinated entry and for eligible activities that the secretary determines are critical in order to assist, survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. 3
DV Bonus project types A CoC may apply for ONLY ONE of each of the following project types: Rapid Re-housing (PH RRH) projects that must follow a housing first approach Joint TH and PH-RRH component projects that must follow a housing first approach SSO projects for Coordinated Entry (SSO-CE) to implement policies, procedures and practices that equip the CoC’s Coordinated Entry to better meet the needs of survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. An SSO project for coordinated entry must implement policies that are trauma informed and client centered. The project must improve coordination of referral between Coordinated entry and the victim service providers coordinated entry where they are different. If a CoC submits more than one project application for each project type, HUD will only consider the highest ranked project that passes eligibility and quality threshold review If a CoC submits 2 PH-RRH applications under the DV bonus HUD will consider the highest ranked project application and the lowest ranked will be considered under the regular bonus project. 4
Expanding an existing renewal project with (DV) Bonus funding FY 2018 A CoC may apply to expand an already existing renewal project to dedicate additional units, beds, persons served or services provided to existing program participants to survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking The existing project must: Currently not have beds dedicated to serving survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking. Serve individuals who meet the HUD definition of homeless 5
HUD funding process (DV) Bonus FY 2018 For projects a CoC indicates it would like considered as part of the DV Bonus HUD will award a point value to each project application Points will be a combination of the CoC application score and responses to the DV bonus specific questions Scores will be based on 100 point scale and will vary according to project For projects a CoC indicates it would like considered as part of the DV Bonus HUD will award a point value to each project application combining both the CoC application score and responses to the DV bonus specific questions using a 100-point scale Scale will vary according to project, we will take a look at the scale(s) in the upcoming slides 6
RRH and Joint TH and PH-RRh component projects scale CoC score: Up to 50 points in direct proportion to the Score received on the CoC application Need for the Project: Up to 25 points based on the extent the CoC is able to quantify the need for the project in it’s portfolio, extent of the need and how the project will fill that gap Quality of the Project Applicant: Up to 25 points based on the previous performance of the applicant in serving survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking 7
Sso projects for Coordinated Entry scale CoC Score: Up to 50 points in direct proportion to the Score received on the CoC application Need for the Project: Up to 25 points based on the extent the CoC is able to demonstrate the need for a Coordinated entry system that better meets the needs of survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking and how the project will fill this need 8
Ranking the (DV) bonus projects CoC’s are required to list all DV Bonus projects on the New Project Listing of the Coc priority listing with a unique rank number If a project application is accepted by HUD as a DV bonus HUD will remove the DV project from the priority listing and all project applications ranked below will slide up one ranked position Projects not selected will remain on priority listing and be considered for funding as a bonus project with available CoC program funds If a project application designated as a Dv bonus is selected by HUD with DV bonus funds HUD will remove the ranked Dv bonus project from the new project listing and all other project application ranked below will slide up one rank position If the project is not selected the project will remain in it’s ranked position and will be considered for funding as a bonus project with available CoC program funds provided the CoC meets the requirements 9
How to apply CoC’s that would like to apply for this DV Bonus funding must: Complete DV Bonus RFP and submit with Rank and Review Projects accepted by the CoC will submit project applications to esnaps by August 15th, 2018
Next Steps: Future Webinars A NOFA Summary: HUD Priorities and the Consolidated Application The PH Bonus and Reallocation New Opportunities for Renewing Project Esnaps: New and Returning User Training So there is the 2018 DV Bonus in a nutshell. Additional webinars will be posted shortly and will cover the new HUD Priorities and the Consolidated Application, the PH Bonus and Reallocation, New Opportunities for Renewing Projects and Esnaps training for new and returning users 10
Questions Any questions regarding this DV Bonus funding opportunity can be directed to me Denise Doin @ (518) 489-4130 ext. 112 11