Implementer : National Organization of Self-Employed (NOSE) Title To create awareness on the importance of social security system among the informal economy workers. Time Frame 6 months Background & Justification 70% of the Sri Lanka’s force falls under the category informal economy workers and they are mostly unorganized, unprotected and do not have access to the many benefits the formal workers enjoy. Since this category represent the majority of the work force their growth will obviously reflect on the growth of the nation.
Though our union took an effort to organize informal economy workers recently they haven’t been addressed or trained in respective of their trade or work separately. Unlike the formal workers the informal workers do not get much opportunity to meet, share and collaborate outside the union gathering , so it is very important for the union to create such forums where their issues or opportunities of their trade could be discussed and analyzed. Apart from this the major issue that is threatening the informal industry in a whole is the non-existance or non-implementation of a social security system .Though the Sri Lankan government has a Employment Provident fund(EPF) scheme for the self employed most of them are unaware of the system or do not see the benefits of it.In the same way certain informal workers/contract workers like salespersons are entitled to the central social security system of the country bust since the employees are not aware of it most of the times the employers try to violate this law.So this project is aiming at creating awarness among the informal workers on the importance of social security system ,to brief on the existing system and to assist the members to register for the EPF.
Target group Member of the National Organization for Self-Employed(NOSE), Badulla-Sri Lanka Objectives To create awarness on the importance of implementing a social security system for Informal Economy Workers To create awareness on the existing national social security system To assist informal workers to raise their vioce against the violation of worker rights.
Activities to Achieve the Objectives Segregate the members according to their specific trade or group similar trade. TOT program for staffs on social security system Four one day training on social security system for Informal workers Two one day training on How to register for the EPF scheme. Design and print pamphlets/leaflets on social security system Distribution of pamphlets among domestic workers(members)
Action Plan Activities Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 1 2 3 4 5 6