Introduction to Publishing – Manuscript’s Ready, Now What? Dr. Vina Tan Phei Sean & Wiley
From the horse’s mouth… Wiley Allyn Molina Fiona Hutton Simone Taylor Andrew Moore
Finding Mr. Right Attracting Mr. Right Which journal to publish? What are you offering?
Journal’s Characteristics Mr. Right’s a.k.a. Journal’s Characteristics Short turn around time Review time Scope of journal Fees* Quality of journal*
Accepted by Editorial Board 21 Feb 2014 Review time Received for review 22 Nov 2013 Accepted by Editorial Board 21 Feb 2014 Published on 8 April 2014
Review time Submitted for publication Mac 2014 Accepted for publication June 2014 Published on Feb 2015
Local vs Regional vs Global Scope of journal Who is your Audience? Cite your research Help their work Local vs Regional vs Global Future collaborators
*Publication Fees Submission fee Accept to be publish fee Cost by page (black & white) Cost per image/colour page Open access publications fee No fees
*Quality of Journal Impact factor Quartile scores Impact factor – X number of citations for the journal’s article published in the past 2 years based on JCR (Journal Citation Records)
Quartile score “Following this line, a quartile score (indeed, a discrete distribution) is associated to any paper published in IF-ranked journals by uniformly distributing a unitary mass over the quartile rankings of the journal in which the paper was published (for that year). So, for example, papers published in 2009 in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS are given a quartile score of [Q1=1, Q2=0, Q3=0, Q4=0], since in the (unique) subject category ROBOTICS the journal ranks 2-nd out of 16 journals. On the other hand, a paper published in 2008 in COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE would be given a quartile score of [Q1=0, Q2=1/2, Q3=1/4, Q4=1/4], since the journal ranks 41-st out of 94 journals (Q2) in COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS, 35-th out of 84 (Q2), in COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS, 40-th out of 52 (Q4) in ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL, and 14-th out of 20 journals (Q3) in MEDICAL INFORMATICS.”
Quartile score In 2009, published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS In 2009, published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS Ranked by IF, 2nd out of 16 journals in ROBOTIC Quertile score (2009) : Q1 = 1, Q2 = 0, Q3 = 0, Q4 = 0
Quartile score In 2008, published in COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE Quartile score of [Q1=0, Q2=1/2, Q3=1/4, Q4=1/4], Ranks 41st out of 94 journals (Q2) in COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS 35th out of 84 (Q2), in COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS 40th out of 52 (Q4) in ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL 14th out of 20 journals (Q3) in MEDICAL INFORMATICS
Activity 1 Before starting, say ‘Thank You’… for having technology and information at our fingertips Go to: Go to your reference list. Look for THREE journals JournalGuide USM Library resources Google Look for Mr. Right! Tip: try key words
Activity (cont.) List down three journals to consider with relevant info Journal name: Review time: Scope of journal: Publication fees: Quality of journal:
Mr. Right = Editors + Publishers What does Mr. Right want? Mr. Right = Editors + Publishers
How to know what Mr. Right wants? AUTHOR GUIDELINES
Author Guidelines You have a story to tell? Tell. BUT Why is this important to me? I have limited time (# of words) Sorry, I don’t understand Time is money (fees) Next person is also trying to tell their story…
Bad Research + Good Writing = No Mr. Right Good Research + Bad Writing = No Mr. anything…
Tip 1 – Optimise Communication RULE #1: Think of your audience Who is the audience? Broad knowledge or specific interest? Who would want to read your article?
Optimise Communication RULE #2: Think of your audience Write clearly Write concisely Key principle of article
Keep it ethical but SELL the paper Tip 2 – Titleology Keep it ethical but SELL the paper Keywords up-front 15 words limit Punctuation Consider a subtitle Statement vs Question
Tip 3 - Abstractology Serial Position Effect of Free Recall DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agong Dining experience Wednesday Free Deese & Kaufman (1957) J Exp Psychol 54:180-7 Murdock (1962) J Exp Psychol 64:482-8
Tip 4 - Googleology Consider how searches are made Write title and abstract with discoverability in mind Attract more attention (of audience), Editors fall in love
Check list before submission Scope of journal Quality of research Results, analysis, conclusion are valid Tables and figures presented correctly Correct calculations, stats, models Literature cited appropriately Language Ethics, where applicable
Activity 2 Look at your title and identify the main idea. Google the main idea/phrase in i) Google Search & ii) Google Scholar From your searches, what is similar/unique/different than your title Any new insights or ideas?
Activity 3 Title make-over: State your finding in the title near the front. Is the article to inform or to query? If searched, will your title be ‘chosen’?
Activity 4 Abstract = 3-min Thesis Intro & Objective = Conclusion Content – specific, informative BioEssays editorial 2009 onwards, “The state of scientific English and how to improve it.
Activity 5 Cover-letter writing = your love letter to Editor What is attractive (about the article) How it is align to scope of journal SELL, SELL, SELL – hot, new, interesting, a solution Recommend referees
Q & A & Sharing session…
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