The French and Indian War Causes the American Revolution
SSUSH3: Analyze the Causes of the American Revolution. Standard SSUSH3: Analyze the Causes of the American Revolution.
Colonial Rivalry By the mid-1700s, England, France, Spain & the Netherlands were locked in a struggle for EMPIRE— Competing to conquer and maintain the largest amount of foreign territory. In North America, the two biggest rivals were Britain and France… And each wanted to expel the other from the Continent.
An IMPERIAL power is one that... iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) uses its military to maintain world peace. B.) works with other nations in pursuit of common economic goals. C.) expands by conquering new territory. D.) tends to adopt "isolationist" policies. E.)
War Breaks Out In 1754, the French constructed a fort in Western Pennsylvania… Territory that had already been CLAIMED by the British. George Washington was selected to lead an attack of the Fort… The attack FAILED (which would set a pattern for most of his military career). But it led to the OUTBREAK of the French and Indian War.
Who Fought in the French and Indian War? + VS. *The French and Indian War is called the Seven Years’ War in Europe.
The French and Indian War... iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) was a struggle between the French and the Indians for control over the Ohio River Valley. B.) united the empires of Britain and France against Indian aggression. C.) was primarily a war over the limits of religious freedom in the colonies. D.) was a struggle between the British Empire and Imperial France for control of North America. E.)
The Treaty of Paris, 1763 France lost CANADA… And ALL territories in North America. The British traded CUBA to SPAIN for FLORIDA… SPAIN received all territory WEST of the Mississippi.
The Results of the War During the war, British Redcoats had treated their American counterparts disrespectfully— Believing them to crude, uneducated commoners… And since the war had been expensive, the British government began to consider new TAXES on the American colonists. Americans considered the Redcoats’ tactics to be simply unintelligent— And also disliked their attitude of superiority. This war, therefore, was the beginning of the American/British divorce.
A.) it led to British control of both Cuba and Louisiana. From an American perspective, the French and Indian war is important because... iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) it led to British control of both Cuba and Louisiana. B.) highlighted the cultural differences between American colonials and their British rulers. C.) ensured that the colonial territories would secure total religious freedom. D.) attracted worldwide attention to British mistreatment of the Native Americans. E.)