SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 Information Technology Governance
Agenda Review of actions and decisions from previous meeting Completed projects since previous meeting Questions/Answers for Completed Projects and Status Reports (circulated material) New and Emerging initiatives Demonstration of the re-designed IT Services website Update on mobile application roadmap Review on Model Classroom High level view of IT Services strategy IT Services support statistics Any other business Next governance meeting Review of actions and decisions coming out of this meeting
Actions from previous meeting
Completed Projects Key Performance Indicators AV Booking System V2 Automated Password Reset Banner Finance/AR Upgrade IT Website Redesign Laptop and Desktop Refresh Penticton Environmental Phase I Preventative Maintenance Application Requirements
Projects in progress – Questions? Automation of Staffing Deans and Directors List Exchange ( ) rollout FAST 4.1 Financial Awards Consortium SARMS replacement Service Review Student Job Postings
Emerging initiatives OUC Banner Replacement (Informational – Mitigate Risk) Document Imaging Server Replacement (Informational – Mitigate Risk) Evisions Upgrade (Argos, FormFusion, Intellecheck, MAPS) (Informational – Compliance/Support) Central Data Warehouse (CDW) Extract Process (Informational – Process improvement) SARMS Redesign (Informational – Compliance/Support) Consent to Release Self Service Channel (Client initiated)
Demonstration of the revised IT Services website History of OC Website Prior to April 2013, OC had over 120 separate templates to maintain Through the re-design we simplified our template layout and narrowed that down to only 3 Objective To update IT Services current website with up-to-date, useful and well placed content. Benefit Reduced calls to the helpdesk because self-help information can easily be found via the website. Implement and test a new template leveraging Responsive Web Design Increased accessibility from mobile device ( currently, IT website only)
Update on mobile application roadmap The BlackBerry version of OC Mobile was approved in August and is now available on BlackBerry10 and Playbook as well as Android and IOS phones. We also have a Web App version which is accessible via Chrome. Version October 2013 New Features Bookstore Events app Contact information for emergency app Inside OC public link Technical Improvements Implement Google analytics
Update on mobile application roadmap Version December 2013 New Features Program/course calendar app Unified calendar (class schedule, events, important dates) Staff: College Matters Staff: Leave balances (read only) IT staff: IT system tools Technical Improvements Use Sencha routes to enable history support; update the Sencha touch SDK Windows phone development and support Implement Sencha profiles for better tablet support Implement OCExpress security for staff access to apps Version 3.3 – February 2014 New Features Push notifications Update the interface to modern URL (slide technology) Standard user interface direction
Review on Model Classroom Interactive Whiteboard (Epson Brightlink) 2nd display (for instructor or student use - ie. backchannel?) Instructor computer workstation HDMI connection to displays (with VGA adapter for older machines) Wireless connection to display (for instructor/student laptop, iPad) Document camera Videoconferencing capability (BlueJeans, LifeSize) Webconferencing capability (Blackboard Collaborate, Teamviewer, Skype) Lecture capture capability Sufficient wireless network capacity for entire class to be using laptops or mobile devices Create a space on each campus where instructors can gain familiarity with current educational technologies in use at Okanagan College
PRESENTATION Information Technology Strategy
Summary of progress Strategy Map Emerging directions Proposed Next Steps Agenda
June: Kick-off orientation meetings July: Gather "what we already know" July/August Consultation with Stakeholders September: Interim view October onward: Additional consultation and draft writing Explore
Nov/Dec: Draft document; feedback from governing groups Jan: Draft Report communication March: Amalgamate feedback for Plan April: Approval by governing groups End April: IT Directions Plan Navigate…Discover
17 OUR USERS Grow Technology Enabled Learning Environment Advance student IT environment Technology supported student success Enable research objectives Enable outreach PROCESS AND SUPPORT SERVICES Secure Technology Environment Enable operational excellence ORGANIZATIONAL CAPABILITIES and CULTURE Be easy to do business with Build an IT knowledgeable community Build Collaborative relationships Leverage Innovation
Theme 1 - Advance Student IT Environment Developing, supporting and enabling a technology environment that will foster student productivity, active communication and collaborative learning. Flexibility for BYOD Mobile applications roadmap Wireless Enhance LMS and complementary tools Social media strategy - connectedness Access to open learning resources Student advisory committee for technology Our Users
Theme 2 - Grow technology enabled environment Driven by the needs of teachers and learners, building classroom and virtual environments that enable flexible use of current learning technologies and can evolve to incorporate future technologies. Theme 3 – Technology enabled student success Using analytics to connect students to supporting resources (information and people) Our Users
Theme 4 – Enable applied research objectives Access to required resources for research purposes and provide a public face to research activities. Theme 5 – Technology enabled outreach Provide new and innovative technology to engage and inform a broader cross-section of the public and stakeholders about OC programs, activities, and research Our Users
Theme 6 - Enable operational excellence Each and every employee can see the flow of value to the customer, and fix that flow before it breaks down Theme 7 - Secure Technology Environment Promote a secure computing environment balancing the need for openness and sharing that is essential for learning Process and Support Services
Theme 8 – Leverage innovation Continuously seek new technologies and evaluate how and where they might fit into the organizational needs or add business value. Process and Support Services
Organizational Capabilities and Culture Theme 9 – Easy to do Business with Helping faculty, students and staff solve their technology problems quickly and easily. Theme 10 – Build collaborative relationships Meet regularly to exchange direction, ideas and information regarding issues to address, opportunities and service approaches
Theme 11 - Build an IT knowledgeable community Assisting people to become comfortable with the concepts, and operations of available technology, allowing for the knowledge to choose products appropriately, operate them properly and do basic troubleshooting when something goes wrong. Organizational Capabilities and Culture
Present themes and projects at Deans forum Seek agreement that continuing with planning process is advantageous given the time and effort required If yes Seek agreement on prioritization criteria Identify workshop participants and facilitators Design and dry run workshop (TOR) Conduct workshops Prepare report Proposed Next Steps
Compliance Meet regulatory or contractual requirements or to mitigate high risk Run the Business Do what we do today more efficiently Grow the Business Do what we do today more effectively – todays challenges Transform the Business Change the way we do business or change culture Project Definition - Type of project
Strategic alignment Value to students Value to employees Risk Potential for sharing solution Impact Cost Rate 0 – 3 Potential to add weighting Criteria Options
Support overview IT Service Requests
Any other business Next governance meeting
Review Actions and Decisions