WP4 Positioning European Astroparticle Physics in the world-wide context WP leader CNRS Partners: FOM, IFIN-HH, FRS-FNRS/FWO, FCT Total work: 22 months Objectives Coordinate the European roadmap with relevant roadmaps world-wide Update the European Roadmap after 2 years of implementation Develop strategic partnerships with strong international partners
Task 4.2 Task 4.2 Update of the European Astroparticle roadmap Issues 3 PRC meetings (new PRC has to be defined, by October 2009) Autumn 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011 Issues Better definition of calnedar and budget Ask dificult questions on readuness, definite milestones Other themes: Neutrinos,Dark Energy, Study R&D projects (ERANET+?) Global coordination Use tools developped in ASPERA-1 (database) Deliverables D4.3: Updated roadmap of the European roadmap of Astroparticle Physics (july 2011) Milestone A European action plan as part of a global cooperation (July 2011)
Timeline and budget By 2012 start the construction of : KM3net and CTA (200 M€ scale) Also in ASTRONET and ESFRI roadmaps 2012 milestone for technology decision of: One ton dark matter and neutrino mass detectors (50-100 M€ scale) Discuss with international partners the realisation of Auger North in US (50-100 M€, 2012?) Megaton detector for proton decay and neutrino astrophysics (500 M€, >2015) Einstein Telescope, 3rd generation gravitational wave antenna (300 M€, after first results of adv VIRGO and advLIGO by 2015) Budget 50% increase over available European budget for astroparticle (700 M€/10 years) Share wth other continents Regional funding? (e.g. KM3Net) Links to CERN and ESO
Task 4.1 Coordinate a worldwide funding strategy towards the realisation of the European roadmap 3 WG meetings (winter 2009- Spring 2010) : Cosmic rays (KM3/icecube, CTA/AGIS, AUGER-North) Underground science (dark matter, neutrino, megaton detectors) Dark energy? Gravitational waves have defined their global roadmap (GWIC) A large world conference in Astroparticle Physics (September 2010) Deliverables: 2 summary reports on the OECD process (March 2010, July 2011) Issues: Find the correct level of coordination (networking, global infrastructure, procurement policies, define milestones) Manage overlaps between different agencies (nationally and internationally)
OECD Global Science Forum on Astroparticle Physics OECD GSF phase 1 (2009) perimeter, statistics and census of the field Paris February 2009 and Cracow July 2009. 4 working groups. Sub-group 1 : Scope . Principal scientific challenges for next 10-15 years. Links to other fields. Place in the overall scientific enterprise including trends. Sub-group 2: Size of the overall effort. Global investment in APP. Taxonomy of infrastructures and projects of various types, including observatories, detectors, operations. Spectrum of costs of existing and contemplated projects. Generic taxonomy of international efforts, including “Type 1” (national projects open to international participation and contributions) and “Type 2” (collaborations with international governance and funding). Sub-group 3: The science policy of APP. History and mechanisms of national and international planning and priority-setting. Trends in international coordination and cooperation. The need for bigger projects, some outgrowing national capabilities. Examples of international collaboration, including benefits and challenges. The growing need for a global vision, both scientific and policy level. The case for some global-scale facilities. Rationale and possibility of a global roadmap, and how it could be prepared, maintained. Sub-group 4 Benefits to society: education, culture, industry. Cracow: Before the final report, help from science working groups ?Repeat the ASPERA experience? A large workshop? OECD GSF phase 2 (2010) priority coordination.
Global coordination, Networks vs Global Infrastructures? High energy cosmic rays: AUGER/AMS/JEM-EUSO, China) Dark Energy towards global infrastructures Proton decay/neutrino, must be global (one or two ?) Networking Gravitational waves : From networking (advVIRGO/advLIGO) to a GI (GWIC)? LISA is a global entreprise High energy neutrino network: KM3/ICECUBE High energy gamma network or global infrastructure ? CTA/AGIS+ Japan Dark matter/neutrino mass: competition phase, although procurements may be cordinated, the ton scale will need coordination