Science Study Guide 1st 9 weeks 2017
1. What are the organelles that a plant cell has that an animal cell does not have? Chloroplast, cell wall, large central Vacuole 2. What is the function of the Golgi bodies? They receive proteins and other compounds in the ER and release materials to other parts of the cell 3. Which organelle contains enzymes that break things down in a cell? lysosomes 4. The front office of the school can be compared to which organelle of cell why or why not? The front office can be compared to the nucleus of the cell because it is it is the control center of the cell.
5. Define cell as we described it in class 5. Define cell as we described it in class? A cell is the smallest unit of life and what all living things are made up of. 6. How can the cytoskeleton be compared to the walls and studs of the school? It gives the cell its structure and shape just like the walls of the school give the school its structure and shape. 7. A large central vacuole is found in which type of cell? Plant cell 8. What is the function of the large central Vacuole? It stores cell sap which helps to give plant cells their structure and rigidity.
9. What is the function of the cell membrane 9. What is the function of the cell membrane? The cell membrane keeps the cytoplasm inside while letting waste out and nutrients in. 10. What is the cytoplasm made up of in a cell? Substance between the cell membrane and nucleus that contains organelles and other compounds. 11. How does the cytoskeleton give a cell its structure and shape? It’s a series of fibers made from proteins which give the cell structure. 12. What device made the discovery of cells possible? microscope
15. Who invented the compound microscope? Hans and Zacharias Janssen 13. Ribosomes are considered protein builders of the cell. 14. What is the cell walls function? Surrounds the cell membrane and provides structure to the plant cell. 15. Who invented the compound microscope? Hans and Zacharias Janssen 16. What item did Robert Hooke look at under a microscope, to discover cells?? Cork, he saw tiny walled structures and called them cells. How many chromosomes are in a human cell? 46 (23 Mom and 23 Dad) Many celled organisms are not just mixed up collections of different types of of cells.
19. What are the five levels of organization. Put them in order 19. What are the five levels of organization? Put them in order. Cells – Tissues – organs - organ systems - organisms 20. What are tissues? A group of similar cells that all do the same sort of work. 21. Organs are similar types of tissues working together . What are organ systems? Groups of organs working together to do a certain job. What is an organism? Living things that can carry out all basic life processes.
24. What are the three components of the Cell Theory 24. What are the three components of the Cell Theory? The Cell is the most basic unit of life. All living things or organisms are made up of cells. All cells arise from pre-existing cells. Why are cells organized? So they can work together. Which Scientist discovered Cells? Robert Hooke Prokaryote cells are older, lack a true nucleus, smaller, and unicellular. 28. Eukaryote cells are human, animal, plant, fungi and protist cells have a nucleus with special structures called organelles and are multicellular.
29. What two groups can organisms be categorized in 29.What two groups can organisms be categorized in? Uni cellular or multi cellular. (Prokaryote and Eukaryote). 30. What is the part of the cell that converts light into chemical energy in the form of molecules called photosynthesis? Chloroplast 31. A structure in a cell that performs a special function is called a organelle 32. What is the function of the Vacuole? Small fluid-filled sacs that store water, food, and waste. 33. What do organisms contain that help them break things down? Enzymes
34. Give three examples of parasites leech, lice and mosquitos 35. A vaccine is a substance that is usually injected into a person or animal to protect them from a certain disease. 36. A microorganism is any organism too small to be viewed by the unaided eye. 37. Parasites are a plant or animal organism that lives in or on another and takes its nourishments from that organism . Bacteria is in our intestines and helps us break down food. Without it you could not survive.
39. Unicellular organisms are made up of only one cell. Multicellular organisms are made up of many cells that are dependent on each other to perform essential functions. You will have to be able to label the animal and plant cell on the test.