When was the last time you sat around a table for a meal? What did you eat? With whom? When? Special occasion? Where?
Unit Title: Prayer and Ritual Focus Question: How does my understanding of prayer and ritual shape me? Learning Intention: To analyse events recorded as the ‘Last Supper’ Success Criteria: To complete a higher level thinking task relating to the topic. Last Lesson Jesus washes disciples’ feet This Lesson Last Supper Next Lesson Eucharist
What do you remember from Jesus’ last meeting with his disciples in John’s Gospel? Jesus washes their feet. Peter is initially reluctant to have Jesus wash his feet. Jesus makes a prediction about one of them. Do they share a meal? No… John’s Gospel is the only one that does not mention a meal. The other three Gospels record Jesus celebrating the Jewish festival of Passover by sharing a meal with his disciples. John’s Gospel is the one that is different – it is a later Gospel aimed at explaining the theology (ideas about God) rather than events that occurred.
What do Matthew, Mark and Luke’s Gospels record? Watch this clip about The Last Supper and answer the following questions: What is similar to John’s Gospel from last lesson? What is different?
Choose your own tasks based on your confidence on the topic! List five differences between the previous clip and John’s Gospel from last lesson. Copy the following three passages into your notebook, then read and summarise them in your own words: Matthew 26:17-30 Mark 14:12-26 Luke 22:7-38 If you would have been in Jesus’ place, would you react in the same way or choose a different approach to the upcoming betrayal? Explain your answer. What are the similarities and differences between the accounts of the Last Supper in Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:12-26 and Luke 22:7-38? Pick one passage from question 2 and illustrate it in a poster using Piktochart. (Note: Link is on our weebly; you can sign in with your Google account.) Justify the following statement: “The interpretation of the Last Supper in different passages makes no difference to its underlying message.” Choose your own tasks based on your confidence on the topic! Tip: Work at your own pace, this is not a race!