RWS 100: Week Three!
Week One Blogs!
Be specific! Hillary Clinton appeals to the emotion of her audience. Hillary Clinton appeals to her audience’s anger at the job market, in order to get them to take action.
Hillary Clinton talks about global warming. Hillary Clinton argues that industrial polluters must be held accountable for their disastrous contribution to global warming.
Charting a Text
Strategies for reading: Skim first and then read more closely Highlight and take notes Write down annotations and quotations that might be useful Write down questions that come up as you read Look up words you don’t know…
Sometimes you have to look things up for more information or background. Consider the credibility of these sources, particularly if they are web-based
Critical reading is applicable to school texts, but also all kinds of cultural artifacts: TV, social media, architecture, etc. In this class, a text isn’t always a text.
Good readers aren’t necessarily FAST readers
Reading critically often means analyzing the choice of individual elements in a text and how they fit together for the whole.
Project: What is the author’s project Project: What is the author’s project? What is the author’s purpose for writing this text – what change is she trying to affect? Is she trying to provoke action, change someone’s mind, reveal new information….? Who is her audience? Argument: What is the author’s argument? What is the main point (assertion) the author is making in the text? Claims: In addition to the main argument, are there other claims (or sub-claims) that the author is making to support their argument? List any/all other claims that you can identify. (Sometimes there might be many different claims in a text while for others there might be only the main argument. Be sure to be specific in your post which is the case.) Evidence: What type of evidence does the author use to support her claims, and her main argument? You don’t have to list every piece of evidence, but you should list each type of evidence used in the text. Strategies: What rhetorical strategies does the author use in order to persuade her reader? How is the author trying to persuade her reader: through appeals to emotion/pathos? Logic/logos? Credibility/ethos?