WP 2: Align / synchronise progress reporting under both directives


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Presentation transcript:

WP 2: Align / synchronise progress reporting under both directives Expert Group Meeting, 18th June 2009 Today’s meeting: To summarise current progress: DRAFT REPORTING FORMAT on status and trends The task and work approach Structure of the draft format Outcome of discussion at WP2 sub-group meeting (10 June) TEST ASSESSMENT of the draft WORK PLAN for remaining part of 2009 THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

WP 2: Align / synchronise progress reporting under both directives Work done to date Expert Group meeting, 26 June 2008  Work initiated Expert Group meeting, 7 Nov 2008 Scoping report presented Decided to set up a sub-group 1st sub-group meeting, 19 Jan 2009  Possible format and time-planning for 2009 discussed Expert Group meeting, 5 March 2009 Work approach and time-planning presented 2nd sub-group meeting, 10 June 2009 First draft of reporting format discussed Test assessment discussed THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

Draft reporting format – the task --> Preparation of a proposed draft format to report on bird population status and trends under Art 12 (BD) --> To allow for assessments at the level comparable to Art 17 (HD) reporting. --> To address and analyse in some detail: - Range and trends concepts - Relevant and feasible FRV parameters - Lists of threats and pressures --> No biogeographical approach - Only national approach - .....plus flyways / distinct populations / subspecies THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

European Economic Interest Group Possible elements for reporting format, discussed at the sub-group meeting, 19 Jan 2009 - Population estimates - Totals, breeding pairs, indices around 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 (to the extent data is available) – to indicate trends - Range - Surface area, expanding, declining etc - To be based on atlases + recent data in web-based systems - Population status in 2010, ref. requirements of Article 2 of the Birds Directive - Main threats and reasons for decline - Assessment in relation to reference values .... to the extent feasible - Data quality - Proper audit trails, identify monitoring gaps etc... THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

Draft reporting format – work approach 1 Harmonisation with Art 17 (HD) reporting Similar structure – to the extent possible Range size / distribution maps (ref WP1) Classification of threats and pressures (ref. WP1) THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

Draft reporting format – work approach 2 Reporting under other Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) CBD, CITES, CMS, Ramsar, Bern Convention, AEWA Very different requirements, very little harmonisation Most relevant: New AEWA online national reporting format Other monitoring and reporting initiatives IUCN and national red lists International Waterbird Census (IWC, under Wetlands International) Any new reporting system should not undermine existing processes to collect data etc THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

Draft reporting format – structure, 1st draft Species information National status Population size Population trend; a: short-term, b: long-term Range size Range trend; a: short-term, b: long-term Positive influences Negative influences Future prospects Conclusions THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

European Economic Interest Group Draft reporting format - comments and items discussed (ref. sub-group meeting, 10 June) The overall approach was accepted, but found to be too detailed and would entail high work-load; ref. the level of details etc. The purpose of the reporting to better explained – to reflect better that Art 12 of Birds Directive requires different reporting than Art 17 of Habitats Directive. A reference list of species to be covered is needed; to include: sub-units (sub-species, distinct populations, flyways etc) when relevant, population units to be used Although main structure of the reporting format will not be revised – many changes in details in the next draft version. THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

European Economic Interest Group Draft reporting format – structure, to be further revised (ref. sub-group meeting, 10 June) Species information and national status Population size Population trend; a: short-term, b: long-term Range size Range trend; a: short-term, b: long-term (optional, subject to availability of data) Negative influences (same methodology as for Art 17 reporting) Conclusions, ref. requirements of Article 12. - ‘Population status’ and ‘Range status’ - Good / Inadequate / Bad / Unknown THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

Test assessment, July-October 2009 5-6 species to be selected according to specific criteria; of a menu of 20 criteria, which reflects different examples of e.g.: - distribution pattern - trends - threats - distinct populations (sub-species, flyways etc) - etc ....... Expert Group delegates are encouraged to participate – the more test results, the better the end product THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

European Economic Interest Group Next steps ...... Overall time-table for remaining work to be done during 2009 22 June - 3 July: Modification/simplification of the draft format July – September: Test assessment by Member States, based on revised draft 2 October: Deadline for Member States to return test results to EC (to pass on to N2K) October: Draft to be further revised, after testing 3 November: Sub-group meeting 18 November: Expert Group meeting THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group

European Economic Interest Group Available on Circa First draft format (discussed at Sub-group meeting 10 June, and to be further modified) Proposal of criteria for species to be tested Written comments etc received from Member States http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/monnat/library?l=/expert_reporting/work-package_reporting/meeting_10-6-2009&vm=detailed&sb=Title THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group