Why does the Food Bank need a Speakers Bureau? To help fulfill our mission to fight hunger through the efficient collection and distribution of wholesome food, education and advocacy To reach a wider audience through each speakers sphere of influence
Responsibilities Learn statistics and messages about the Mid-South Food Bank and hunger PowerPoint presentation Food Bank brochures, newsletters & annual report Volunteer handbook
Responsibilities Deliver speeches about hunger and Mid-South Food Bank to professional, civic or service groups, schools and churches Answer audience questions or refer to Food Bank staff Seek out speaking engagements through your sphere of influence in your community
Responsibilities Contact Paula Rushing when you schedule your own speaking engagement with date, time, and audience Reserve laptop, overhead projector and folding display through Paula Rushing
Responsibilities Pick up reserved presentation tools before presentations and deliver tools back to the Food Bank on the same day if possible Marcia Wells has a library of brochures, newsletters, and annual reports in her office
Resources PowerPoint Presentation Laptop Overhead Projector Tri-fold Food Bank Display
Mid-South Food Bank Boot Camp Travel to each department and program to learn about the Food Bank Schedule your date as soon as possible Dates must be coordinated with our staff through Paula Goal is for all speakers to go through boot camp by August 15
Shadow MSFB Staff Two Speaking Engagements Schedule a speaking engagement and staff can do the presentation so you can shadow Gain knowledge for delivery of the Food Bank message
Representing the Food Bank Wear your volunteer badge at speaking engagements Dress should always be tailored to your audience. Business casual for a relaxed engagements Normal business dress for more formal engagements
Welcome to the Speakers Bureau & the volunteer team!