Put your backpacks up front. Only have a pencil/eraser with you Put your backpacks up front. Only have a pencil/eraser with you. Put your name on your answer sheet. Read carefully. DO NOT WRITE ON CLASS COPY! Remain seated and silent until EVERYONE is completed.
Reading Inventories Why? While this is a science class, we will have many opportunities to become better readers and writers in this class. By being critical of what we read, we can be better citizens. By being critical of science text, we can help understand and improve our communities. Knowing how you read best will help me to have us reach these goals with more happiness!
Connections Thursday/Friday Volunteers Present a simple 1 minute how-to demo OR Look up newspaper articles or local current events that relate to having strong procedures/data.
Things to have out/do NEW Behavior Log is filled in if you have it this week Copied Objective, HW into assignment list HAVE OUT: DEADLINES FOR TODAY Procedure due Signed Lab Safety Contracts
Mantra - Your Turn! Today is a great day for science because: Science is power. We are powerful because: We always make a difference.
Do You Know? What’s the difference between a qualitative and quantitative observation?
Goals * State the Objective(s)/Standard (s)- Sci.7.1a, RI 7.1/2, W7.2 * State the Purpose (Big Idea) - Example texts will provide students with models of how to write informational text about an experiment and adequately explain procedures and results in an experiment SWBAT compare passages and differentiate between qualitative and quantitative data sets
Agenda I Do: Types of Data & Summaries We Do: Quantitative Data/Summary Groups: Qualitative Data/Summary You Do: Independent Questions Summary/ Feedback/ Questions
Sorting observations
GIST Summary: Who What Where When Why How 20-word summary
We Do: Quantitative Data Quantitative data is information about quantities; that is, information that can be measured and written down with numbers. An example of quantitative data is your height. For example, let’s look at the following data: Circle key words Summarize
GIST Summary: Who What Where When Why How 20-word summary
Groups: Qualitative Data Write key words Summarize Some data cannot be recorded as numbers. For instance, when plants grow, we can record plant height or a number of fruit present, but we cannot give a number to things like quality. In some cases, we need to describe. For example, we could say the fruit on the plant was spotted and had several bruises and bugs. (Numbers can’t always tell us everything about our experiments!) In another example, a basketball player can score 10 baskets in a game but there’s only one way to include how he/she feels after the game: Qualitative Data.
GIST Summary: Who What Where When Why How 20-word summary
Your Turn Which is better: Qualitative or Quantitative? Why? How else can we sort data? 3 ways in your own experiment 3. Predict how you will see and use qualitative and quantitative data in your own experiment.
GO GO FEEDBACK FRONTIER! Miss K – In my baggie (Comments on my teaching, living up to my goals, and any personal things you need to privately tell me) Your peers – Feedback to 1 or 2 people… What is something you saw him/her do that matched up with our class values? Why was it really great to see this?
Last Items/ Questions Review Project Packet & have a guardian sign it! Need Troubleshooting or Project help? Office Hours Saturday, 12-2 at McDonald’s DEADLINES COMING UP: Data due next Friday (Start to collect it & Test your experiments!)
Extra Time or Extra Credit Project #1: Lab Safety Cartoon This is an individual project. Create a cartoon which depicts any lab safety rule. Your cartoon must clearly explain what is happening and either how to prevent an accident or what to do if there is an accident Project #2: Lab Safety Skit You may work in a group up to 4 people to act out any lab safety rule. Your skit must clearly explain what is happening and how to prevent an accident. You may use different characters and scenarios to describe what is happening. Project #3: Lab Safety Poster Your safety poster must clearly explain the rule and how to prevent an accident. The brochure will need sketches, or pictures that will help aid in your explanation. The picture must fill at least one third of the poster board.
Paper return/ Grade Sheet Update No. Name of Assignment Unit Name Date Points Earned 1. How Do You Know Inquiry 8/10/16 /10 2. Community Map 8/15/16 /7 3. Scientific Method Quiz 8/18/16 /16 4. Biweekly Test #1 RI/RL 8/25/16 5. Fossil Performance Task 8/29/16 /4 6. 7. 8. Introduction Section Materials Section Procedure Section 9/2/16 9/9/16
Performance Task Rubric
This Week… Can’t help but think of home A place where Chemistry swirled, and I was never alone Parents who always questioned Dinner talks - always a lesson To my mother, everything made sense To be able to break life down into its simplest elements The tiniest part of existence So carefully found and compared yet seemingly so far from our lens
Life Depends on Chemistry Chemistry: The study of composition, structure, properties, and change in matter. Matter: anything that has mass and takes up space Write out in detail your observations of the outside 5 senses! How do you think they are related to chemistry?