10th HIGH-TECH RESEARCH CENTER INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “Supramolecular Science-Based Organic Materials and Devices” Research Center for Materials with Integrated Properties, Toho University, Funabashi, Japan Supported Program for Strategic Research Foundation at Private Universities (2012–2016), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan Narashino Campus, Toho University, Funabashi, Chiba 274-8510, Japan December 9-11, 2016 Saturday, December 10 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 1 (Room #C-101) 10:00 – 10:20 Opening Ceremony 10:20 − 10:40 [Lecture-1] "Topologically protected spin-wave propagation in magnonic crystals " J. Ohe (Toho Univ.) 10:40 − 11:10 [Invited lecture-1] "Pressure/temperature induced magnetic anomalies in Cu(II)-nitroxides complexes " K. Maryunina (Hiroshima Univ.) 11:10 − 11:20 Coffee break 11:20 − 12:10 [Plenary lecture-1] "Nanostructured materials by covalent self-assembly " K. Kim (POSTECH, S. Korea) 12:10 − 13:30 Lunch 13:30 − 14:30 POSTER SESSION (Room # 5204, 5205 and 5206) [Invited Poster Presenters] K.-M. Park (Gyeongsang National Univ. S. Korea) E. Lee (Gyeongsang National Univ. S. Korea) H. Ju (Gyeongsang National Univ. S. Korea) ORAL PRESENTATIONS 2 (Room #C-101) 14:40 − 15:00 [Lecture-2] "Interfacial frustration originating from quantum well formation in epitaxial Fe/Ag/Cr trilayers " E. Wada (Toho Univ.) 15:00 − 15:30 [Invited lecture-2] "Artificial Synthesis of Magnetically Anisotropic Materials in Iron Meteorite by Atomic Building Blocks " M. Mizuguchi (Tohoku Univ.) 15:30 − 15:40 Coffee break 15:40 − 16:10 [Invited lecture-3] "Optical Control of Carriers and Spins in Molecular Materials " T. Naito (Ehime Univ.) 16:10 − 16:40 [Invited lecture-4] "Hetero-structures of low-dimensional materials studied by atomic resolution STEM " K. Suenaga (AIST) 16:40 − 17:10 [Invited lecture-5] "New molecular materials studied by neutron scattering " J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán (Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France) 17:20 − 19:00 Banquet (PAL) Sunday, December 11 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 3 (Room #C-101) 10:10 − 10:40 [Invited lecture-6] "Exchange-Coupled Heavy-Lanthanoid and Nitroxide Molecular Magnets " T. Ishida (Univ. of Electro-Communications) 10:40 − 11:10 [Invited lecture-7] "Solid-state electrochemistry of coordination compounds " H. Yoshikawa (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) 11:20 − 12:10 [Plenary lecture-2] "Molecular quantum spin liquid " R. Kato (RIKEN) 12:10 − 13:20 Lunch 13:20 − 14:20 POSTER SESSION (Room # 5204, 5205 and 5206) ORAL PRESENTATIONS 4 (Room #C-101) 14:20 − 14:40 [Lecture-3] "Development of multi-stage ion trap ion mobility measurement system " T. Sugai (Toho Univ.) 14:40 − 15:10 [Invited lecture-8] "High-resolution FAIMS for proteomics, lipidomics, and structural elucidation based on isotopologic shifts " Alexandre A. Shvartsburg (Wichita State Univ. USA) 15:10 − 15:20 Coffee break 15:20 − 15:50 [Invited lecture-9] "Ionic liquids from metal complexes: physical properties and chemical reactivities " T. Mochida (Kobe Univ.) 15:50 − 16:20 [Invited lecture-10] "New insight into the electronic and magnetic structures of iron porphyrin complexes " M. Nakamura (Toho Univ.) 16:20 − 16:40 [Lecture-4] "Liquid-crystalline Polymers with Benzoxazole Units for Application as Thermally Conductive Films " M. Hasegawa (Toho Univ.) 16:40 − 17:10 Closing Ceremony