Outline of the Presentation Background RGADC-1 – PCW Partnership Agreement RGADC-1 – PCW PA Work Plan
Background The Regional Gender and Development Committee-1 (RGADC-1) was created and institutionalized on June 30, 2016 : Based on the PCW-NEDA JMC 2016-01 or the Guidelines on the Creation, Strengthening and Institutionalization of Regional Gender and Development Committee under Regional Development Council Through RDC-1 ExCom Resolution No. 48, s. 2016: Approving the Creation and Institutionalization of the Regional Gender and Development Committee under Regional Development Council (RDC).
Background Considering the limited capability of its members and the enormous task that RGADC-1 is expected to undertake: The Committee seeks to strengthen its capacity mainstreaming GAD in various development initiatives in Ilocos Region RGADC-1 requested guidance and technical assistance from the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) and signified its interest to venture into a strategic partnership with the PCW in the implementation of the Local GAD Convergence Program On December 22, 2017, the RGADC-1 approved the RGADC-1 Resolution no. 4, s. 2017 Adopting, Ratifying and Approving the Partnership Agreement (PA) between PCW and RGADC-1 LGRP: Through its technical assistance (TA) and implementation of local interventions and projects, PCW is able to work closely with national and local government units (LGUs)and capacitated them to identify and address gender issues in their respective policies, plans, programs and institutional mechanisms. By doing so, PCW is able to generate a rich set of information on good practices and experiences on GAD mainstreaming and adopt effective strategies and methods to build knowledge, skills and competencies in gender analysis and applications to governance functions. The number of ODA-funded projects PCW implemented at the local level, especially the recently concluded GREAT Women Project (GWP), brought a range of experiences in working directly with selected LGUs. Some LGU partners under the GWP were able to concretize gender mainstreaming (GM) as a strategy through their gender-responsive programs, services and institutional mechanisms. The bigger challenge for PCW is to come up with clear strategy to systematize ways to influence other non-pilot LGUs all over the country. With this, the PCW developed its National GAD Resource Program (NGRP) with the Local GAD Resource Program (LGRP) as part of its structure. The LGRP when fully operational will not only focus on the provision of TA, but will also provide the venue for PCW and LGUs to develop policies and guidelines and amend/revise discriminatory policies, widen the reach of GAD advocacies, create /or strengthen GAD mechanisms, build partnerships and convergence and monitor, evaluate and track the progress of GM at the local level. 3 Components of the LGRP 1) Partnership and Convergence 2) Replication Mechanisms 3) Provision of direct TA on demand basis and development and updating of GAD tools The Regional Development Councils and RGADCs are the potential partners on gender mainstreaming and as entry points for strengthening regional partnership and convergence strategy on GAD;
RGADC-1 – PCW Partnership Agreement The RGADC-1 recognizing its role as policy making body with legal authority has agreed to establish a strategic partnership with PCW as an integrating mechanism to localize GAD in Region I. Under the PA, its roles and functions are: 1 Orchestrate GAD mainstreaming efforts in the various development initiatives of Ilocos Region Institute GAD monitoring mechanisms and elevate GAD-related issues and concerns for RDC action, including review, development and issuance of GAD-related policies; Sustain its capacity development programs towards providing GAD-related technical assistance to LGUs, SUCs and RLAs in the Region 4 Coordinate, organize and provide GAD-related Technical Assistance Utilize and mobilize available expertise, facilities and other resources Document results of TA provisions, implementation of GAD-related policies and programs and this Partnership Provide counterpart funds and non-cash resources Convene learning sessions/meetings with PCW relative to this Partnership, as needed 5 2 6 7 3 8
RGADC-1 – PCW Partnership Agreement The PCW as the national machinery for gender equality and women’s empowerment has engaged with the RGADC-1 in mainstreaming gender at the regional or local levels. Under the PA, its roles and functions are: 1 Assign the Technical Services and Regional Coordination Division (TSRCD) as the division in-charge in the implementation of the LGRP; Assist RGADC-1 in strengthening it as a newly re-constituted regional GAD Mechanism in Region 1 Assist RGADC-1 in organizing and providing GAD-related TA in the region Support RGADC-1 through network linkages in order to access additional GAD resources in the Region 5 Refer RGADC-1 to the members of the GR Pool in cases where PCW cannot directly provide the TA due to prior commitment or schedule; Provide counterpart funds and non-cash resources Convene learning sessions/meetings with PCW relative to this Partnership, as needed Conduct periodic assessment and learning sessions with RGADC-1 relative to the Partnership 2 6 7 3 4 8
RGADC-1 – PCW PA Work Plan The following activities will be undertaken and implemented under this Partnership Agreement: Strengthening of the RGADC mechanism based on JMC 2016-01 or the Guidelines on the Creation, Strengthening and Institutionalization of RGADC under the RDC; Conduct of series of capacity development activities for RDC-1 members 2.1 Regional GAD Budget Forum; 2.2 Leveling Session on Gender and Development; 2.3 Deepening Session on Gender and Development; 2.4 Training on the development of program/project proposals using the HGDG elements; and 2.5 Training on the establishment, collection, use and management of sex-disaggregated data (SDD) and GAD data Mapping of GAD efforts in the region through GFPS Profiling Provision of technical inputs on the accreditation of GAD Resource Centers PCW-RGADC Quarterly Meeting or Partnership Meetings