Erasmus plus Group task
Questions that we have to ask : Where is Estonia? Climate and fauna Economy : resources,industry and environment Area/pupulation/currency/time zone Capital city Official lenguages Ethnic groups Government Education Religion Music/literature/cusine/sports A short history
Estonia Estonia it's next to Russia. Is located in the continent of Europe, Estonia covers 42,388 square kilometers of land and 2,840 square kilometers of water, making it the 134th largest nation in the world with a total area of 45,228 square kilometers..
Climate and fauna CLIMATE : Estonia lies in the northern part of the temperate climate zone and in the transition zone between maritime and continental climate. FAUNA :Estonia's sparse population and large areas of forest have allowed stocks of European lynx, wild bear, moose...
ESTONIA AREA : 45.339 km squared. PUPILATION : 1,325 million CURRENCY : Euro TIME ZONE : +2 hours CAPITAL CITY : Tallín OFFICIAL LENGUAGES : Estonio
ETHNIC GROUPS : Estonian 69.7 902,547 Russian 25.2 326,235 Ukrainian 1.7 22,573 Belarusian 0.9 12,579 Finnish GOVERNMENT : Republicans EDUCATION : The education system is based on four levels wich inclued the pre-school (2-5 years), basic (6-11) secondary and higher education (12-16) and then they can choose if they want to enter into a university.
CULTURE RELIGION : The religious population is predominatly is Cristhian MUSIC : Bagpipes or torupill LITERATURE : Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald, he was a very imprtant writer CUISINE : Cabage, blood sausage, pork meat, potatoes... SPORTS : Bandy, bascketball, cricket, beach bolleyball...
The Estonians claim to be one of the most important people in Europe, whose ancestors may have corresponded to the Peine pottery culture, which lived on the southwestern shores of the Baltic Sea 5000 years ago. Like other early agricultural societies, states are economically self-sufficient, and are divided into clans dominated by men whose wealth or social power they can reach.
The end
Laura Rodríguez Sandra martínez Fernando garrido