Business Strategy Internal environment
Readings Mission, vision, values, and goals: 906/pdmission.pdf;sequence=1 Corporate social responsibility: 6/corporate-ethics-in-the-era-of-millennials hy-csr-the-benefits-of-corporate-social-responsibility-will- move-you-to-act/#67fe2c4b5e1c
Organizational Direction Mission: statement of purpose; what/who/how Vision: statement of optimal future state Values: foundational principles and standards Goals and objectives: SMART
Goals and Objectives: SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Triple bottom line: social, environmental, financial Social media: increasing consumer accountability From an ethical perspective: “The right thing to do” From a financial perspective: “Higher costs in the short term will lead to higher profits in the long term”