ALCA North Somerset: West of England working and devolution


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Presentation transcript:

ALCA North Somerset: West of England working and devolution Mike Jackson, Chief Executive, NSC 10th November 2016

West of England: A long and continuing track record of joint working: Planning, housing & environment Transport Economic development (through the LEP) incl. employment & skills A range of shared service arrangements

Existing West of England governance Strategic Leaders Board LEP Board Joint Transport Board Planning, Housing & Communities Committee West of England Investment Board Local Transport Body Board Joint Transport Executive Committee Joint Scrutiny Committee

Images clockwise from top left: Law & Professional Services Academy at Winter Gardens; Weston Villages Strategic Flood Solution; South Bristol Link Road; NSETC; The Hive; Metrowest map. £700m investment programme – comprising more than 50 schemes £32m Local Growth Funding – Metro West Phase 1, Portishead rail reopening (£8.5m) Future Technology Centre (£2.7m) Law and Professional Services Academy (£14.9m) City Deal (£166m) North South Link (£8m), North Somerset Enterprise Technical College (£3.7m) Regional Growth Fund (£55m) Strategic Flood Solution (£7.5m) J21 outbound phase 1; Dolphin Square public realm South Bristol Link

Devolution process NSC part of initial negotiations, but voted not to accept deal, primarily due to requirement for ‘Metro Mayor’. Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire proceeding. Orders to be laid before Parliament this month (Nov). Expected start of Combined Authority and election of Mayor in May 2017.

What does devolution deal include? New Mayoral Combined Authority for the three areas (not North Somerset). An additional authority, not a replacement. Final powers will become clear once Orders set before Parliament. Infrastructure deal: £30m x 30 years but reviewed every five years. Potential powers over planning, housing, transport, economic development and skills.

Implications for North Somerset All four authorities fully committed to continued joint work eg JSP and JTP. West of England Partnership and LEP still needed working through implications for approval processes

West of England governance Strategic Leaders Board LEP Board Joint Transport Board Planning, Housing & Communities Committee West of England Investment Board Local Transport Body Board Joint Transport Executive Committee Mayoral Combined Authority? Joint Scrutiny Committee

Implications for North Somerset All four authorities fully committed to continued joint work eg JSP and JTP. West of England Partnership and LEP still needed working through implications for approval processes No access ‘by right’ to devo Deal funding, but City Deal protected pipeline of projects to deliver Continue to make joint bids, eg airport access Development of ‘Local Industrial Strategy’.

Implications for Town and Parish Councils No need to deal with an extra layer of government But MCA likely to complicate process of decision making for all Other impacts will depend on effectiveness of continued joint working across West of England And stance of Central Government Brexit and ‘devolution everywhere’?