An Introduction to IT at the University of Leicester For Staff Call 0116 252 2253 Email Visit the Help Zone in the Library IT Services want to help you make most effective use of IT for your work at the University. This is a short introduction to some useful information about IT at the University of Leicester, the many resources that are available and everything you need to know to help you get started. All this information and more is also available on the ‘IT help website' at If you have any questions, you can contact the IT Service Desk for help by phone on 2253, by emailing or visit the Help Zone in the Library.
University IT account Your University IT account can be used to login to: University PCs University email Blackboard VLE Do not share your password Reset a forgotten password: Secure file storage Eduroam wi-fi Library resources You’ll have been provided with a University IT account which gives you access to lots of IT facilities. You can use your University IT account username and password to login to any PC on campus, your University email, Secure file storage, Eduroam wi-fi, Library resources and Blackboard. Blackboard is the virtual learning environment used at the University of Leicester. Do not share your password with anyone. When you first log in to a University PC you will be asked to fill in answers to four security questions. If you forget your password you can reset it by going to the password reset website and entering the four answers to your security questions. You will then need to choose a new password. Ensure you choose a secure password. You can find instructions for creating a secure password on the IT help website.
Programs and Printers Install University software from the Program Installer Set up your printers Printer name is on the printer Instructions on the IT Help website PowerPoint templates: All University PCs have Windows 7 and Office 2010. As well as the standard programs on your PC, there are lots of other programs that you can install using the Program Installer. You can access the Program Installer from the Start menu > All Programs. Instructions for how to do this as well as a full list of available programs are on the IT help website. If you need something that isn’t on the list, you should contact the IT Service Desk to request it. You will probably need to set up your PC to print to your local network printers. You will need the name of each printer, which will be on a label on the printer. You can find instructions for how to add a printer on the IT Help website. If you need to use PowerPoint, you may want to use one of the University’s PowerPoint templates. You can find these on the University website, at
Secure File Storage Secure, backed-up file storage available Personal Z: drive File space available is 10GB Shared Departmental X: drive Research R: drive Information security training compulsory for all staff Access from Blackboard It is important that you protect your files and keep your work safe. The University provides a variety of secure, backed-up locations to store your files, these are known as network drives. You should use the University’s secure file storage rather than saving to USB sticks or similar unsecure devices. You have 10 Gigabytes of storage space for your files in a personal Z: drive which includes your My Documents and My Pictures folders. Only you can access files saved in your personal Z: drive when you’re logged into a PC on campus or off-campus. On campus the default location for saving most files you create is the Documents Library – this is just a shortcut to your Z: drive My Documents folder. Depending on how your department works, you may also save files to the shared departmental X: drive. Staff conducting research can additionally apply for access to the R: drive which has a lot more space available for research data. If you accidentally delete files from the network drives then it may be possible to retrieve the files as these are backed up to a separate location everyday. Call the IT Service Desk if you need to do this. All staff are required to complete the online information security training course. You can access this from Blackboard.
Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment Login with your University IT account on or off- campus: See the Blackboard help pages Blackboard is the virtual learning environment used at the University of Leicester. You may need to use Blackboard if you are teaching students or completing a training course such as the information security awareness training mentioned previously. You can create Blackboard courses where students can access course materials such as reading lists and lecture slides. Students can also use Blackboard to take part in activities such as online discussions, blogs, wikis and online tests. Go to Blackboard at and login with your University IT account username and password. For help and training using Blackboard you can visit the Blackboard help website.
University Email Your email address is Contains your email, calendar, contacts and task list Mailbox storage is 500MB On campus: use Outlook 2010 Off campus: Connect your email to your smart phone Your email address is your University IT account username followed by Your University email contains your email, calendar, contacts and task list. You can use the calendar to view people’s availability and book meetings. Your Mailbox storage is currently 500 Megabytes. This can be increased on request by contacting the IT Service Desk. You can get to your emails, calendar, contacts and task list on campus by logging into a PC and opening Microsoft Outlook 2010. Help and training on making the most of Outlook is available on the IT Help website. To get to your University email, calendar, contacts and task list off-campus go to and click on the link for Staff. You can also connect your email to your smart phone or iPad, instructions for which are on the IT help website.
Eduroam wifi Connect your laptop or phone to eduroam wi-fi anywhere on campus Use your University IT account email address and password to connect Can use this at many other eduroam enabled Universities and institutions worldwide You can connect your laptop, phone or other devices to eduroam wi-fi anywhere on campus. Use your University email address and password to connect. Instructions are on the IT help website. Once you have set up eduroam wi-fi at the University of Leicester, you will also be able to use this free wi-fi service at many other eduroam Universities and institutions in this country and abroad.
Off-campus Use MyFiles to get to your personal Z: drive Get programs at discounted prices for your home computer e.g. Microsoft Office Leicester Digital Library: access eBooks, journals and databases Off-campus you can get to your University files in your personal Z: drive using MyFiles. This is a lot more secure than putting files onto a USB stick and it means you don’t need to email files to yourself to use at home. You can also access files on the X: drive off campus if your department has set up a Web Access folder. You’ll need to have Microsoft Office installed on your home computer to open Office documents such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. As a member of staff you can buy programs at heavily discounted prices for your own computer, including Microsoft Office, Windows 7, Antivirus programs and some subject specific programs. See the IT help website for more information. You can also access lots of eBooks, journals and databases off-campus available from the Leicester Digital Library. Go to the library website and login with your University IT account username and password.
: University Laptops Z: drive and email synchronisation Docking station at desk Automatic wi-fi connection Fully secure and encrypted Improved working off campus IT Services Windows 7 laptops work in the same way as a desktop PC, and you can have the same access to work on your personal Z drive and Microsoft Outlook whilst on and off-campus. The laptop will come with a docking station which is put on your desk. When you’re on campus you place the laptop in the docking station which is connected to a separate monitor, mouse and keyboard and you work with it as if it were a desktop PC. But when you want to work away from your desk, you disconnect from the docking station and the current state of your email and personal Z drive is copied onto the laptop. You can then work anywhere. When you reconnect the laptop to the docking station it will automatically synchronise all the files and emails you’ve been working on. The laptop also automatically connects to wi-fi on campus and you can connect to your home wi-fi when you’re off-campus. The laptop is secure and encrypted in case it’s lost or stolen. If you often work away from your desk then this could be very useful for you, however it’s up to your department to make the decision whether you can have a laptop rather than a desktop PC.
IT Training Over 20 courses: Microsoft Office 2010 programs Blackboard VLE Web authoring Guided IT learning sessions One to one or small group training Staff Development website Over twenty IT training courses are offered to help you make effective use of technology in your work. All IT training courses are taught in PC areas, allowing you to try out new things hands on with an experienced tutor to guide you through the course and answer any of your questions. There are courses in Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access, Blackboard if you are creating and administering courses in Blackboard, and web authoring training if you are involved in creating or maintaining University websites. You can also book onto a Guided IT Learning Session for one to one training or small group training in any of these programs and more, or to cover essential IT skills and questions. You can find course details and dates, and book your place on the Staff Development website.
IT Help Computer Officers in the Department IT Service Desk Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.00pm Call 0116 252 2253 Email Help Zone in the Library Monday – Friday 9am-9pm Saturday 10am-4pm and Sunday 12pm-6pm Follow IT Services on Twitter @uolits …-And finally, if you have any questions, there are many ways to get help with IT at the University. Some departments have a Computer Officer who you can contact. However, if you don’t have a Computer Officer or if they aren’t available, you can call or email the IT Service Desk. They’ll help you over the phone or respond to your email as soon as possible. It’s better to phone rather than email, particularly if it’s urgent. Whilst IT Services can help you connect your personal laptop or phone to our services, unfortunately they cannot help you with your personal devices if they break. You can also visit the Help Zone which is situated on the ground floor of the Library, where you can get face to face help, for example if you want to set up eduroam on your phone. It is open every day of the week. If you’re on twitter you can follow IT Services @uolits for the most up-to-date information. All the information in this presentation and more is available on the IT help website. We hope you visit it regularly. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this presentation.