Start off by translating the first 15 lines of the poem to the best of your ability , write in bullet points the key points being presented Starter: (Use anthology book, page 51)
"My Last Duchess" That's my last wife (a Duchess because I am a Duke) in that painting on the wall. She looks as if she is alive. It's a marvellous painitng - by Fra Pandolf. He worked at the painting for a day, and there it is. Why don't you sit down and look at her? I deliberately mentioned Fra Pandolf because strangers like you never look at the painting of the woman's face (with its marvellous depth and emotion) without turning to me (because I am the one who draws back the curtain and shows the picture) and asking me how she could have such a wonderful expression. So you are not the first to turn and ask me that. Well, it wasn't just her husband that made her look happy.
Analyse the structure of the poem E.G dramatic monologue
Answers: Dramatic Monologue – a one sided conversation that might demonstrate women’s position in Victorian society – they had no voice and men ruled the roost. First Person Narrative - this is reflective of the self absorbed nature of the Duke. Iambic Pentameter – form reflects content – a tight rein of control is exerted in the structure as in his relationship to his wife Enjambment – sentences run over the lines. This relates to the poem content directly as the Duke himself attempts control , but in reality is uncontrolled and irrational. We know this through his content, his inability to observe social boundaries and the level of emotion – this represents his emotions spilling out.
YOU WILL PERFORM THIS PIECE Task: Using the information so far,write a response using dramatic monologue to the duke you must: Try matching punctuation Try matching structure and form Try reflect on how the duchess might feel towards the duke and his attitude and the way he is talking about her in the poem YOU WILL PERFORM THIS PIECE IF YOU WANT TO