What is Charisma?
Are charismatic leader good leaders?
Charismatic Leader Charismatic leaders are associated with high levels of satisfaction and performance among followers. Charismatic leadership tends to have an ideological component, therefore, charismatic leaders tend to arise in times of crisis. Charismatic leaders may become a liability once the crisis passes. Reactions to charismatic leaders tend to be polarized (people either love them or hate them). Charismatic does not imply “good” -- Adolph Hitler, Charles Manson, other cult leaders could be considered charismatic leaders.
Charismatic Characteristics Visionary Superb communication skills Self-confidence and moral conviction Ability to inspire High risk orientation Visionary - The ability to imagine different and better conditions and the ways to achieve them. Future oriented. Can articulate an idealized vision of future that is significantly better than present. Formulate vision by synthesizing seemingly disparate issues, values, and problems from many sources of the organization or work unit. Passionate. Communication Skills - Can communicate complex ideas and goals in clear, compelling ways so everyone at all levels understand and identify with. Extensively use metaphors, analogies, and stories rather than abstract rational discourse. Tailor language to audience. Self-confidence - Build trust through unshakable self-confidence, strong moral conviction, and sacrifice. Inspire trust - Constituents believe so strongly in integrity of charismatic leaders that they will risk their careers to pursue the leader’s vision. Leaders build support and trust by showing commitment to followers’ needs over self-interests. High risk - Willing to incur great personal risk. Putting themselves on the line affirms self-advocacy for their vision and thus gains admiration and respect of followers.
Charismatic Characteristics High energy, action oriented Relational power base Minimum internal conflict Empowering others Self-promoting personality High energy - Serve as role models for getting things done on time. Energy & enthusiasm attract others. Tend to be emotionally expressive especially non-verbally e.g. gestures, movement, tone of voice, eye contact, and facial expressions. Relational power base - Key dimension of this leadership involves relationship or interaction between leader & followers. Intensely relational and based almost entirely upon referent and expert power. Minimum internal conflict - Convinced they are right in their visions and strategies, which explains why they persist and stay the course, even through setbacks. Empowering others - Understand they cannot make vision come true alone. Empower followers by building their self-efficacy. Do this by assigning followers tasks that lead to successively greater positive experiences and heighten-self-confidence. Self-promoting personality - Frequently out promoting themselves and vision.
Important Leader Behaviors of Charismatic Leaders Makes inspirational speeches Advocates moral mission and vision Builds own image in followers’ eyes Important Leader Behaviors of Charismatic Leaders Takes risks to achieve mission Uses frame alignment to guide followers Role models behavior for followers with high expectations & confidence © Prentice Hall 2006 8-4
The effect of charismatic leadership Follower trust in the rightness of the leader’s vision Similarity of follower’s beliefs and values to those of the leader Heightened sense of self-confidence to contribute to accomplishment of the mission Acceptance of higher or challenging goals Identification with and emulation of the leader Unconditional acceptance of the leader Strong affection for the leader Emotional involvement of the follower in the mission Unquestioning loyalty and obedience to the leader
Characteristics of charismatic leadership Possess a vision (have the ability to articulate the vision and hold strong convictions about the vision Superb communication skills Are self-confident Ability to inspire trust High risk orientation (Are perceived as being change agents ) High energy and action orientation Relational power base ((Exhibit behavior that is out of the ordinary Minimum internal conflict Ability to empower others Self-promoting personality
Developing charismatic Qualities Through practice and self-discipline You can practice being candidate You can develop a warm, positive and humanistic attitude towards people You can develop an enthusiastic, optimistic and energy person
Positive and negative of charismatic Leader Socialized Charismatic leader (SCL) – Positive One who possess a egalitarian, self-transcendent and empowering personality Personalized Charismatic leader (PCL) – Negative One who possess a dominant, Machiavellian, and narcissistic personality
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP The term was first coined by Downton (1973) Focuses on a leader’s transforming abilities Are known for moving and changing things `in a big way’ by communicating the followers a special vision of the future, taping into followers higher ideals and motives. Serves to change the status quo by articulating to followers the problems in the current system and a compelling vision of what a new organization could be. Transformational Leadership builds upon the concept of charismatic leadership who also: are charismatic. are inspirational. are intellectually stimulating. consider the concerns and developmental needs of each person individually
What Are the Common Characteristics of Charismatic and Transformational Leadership? Vision - both are inherently future orientation Rhetorical Skills Image and Trust building Personalized leadership - share strong personal bonds with the followers
Transformational Leader Behavior and Attributes See themselves as change agents Are visionaries who have a high level of trust for their intuition Are risk-takers, but not reckless Are capable of articulating a set of core values that trend to guide their own behavior Possess exceptional cognitive skills and believe in careful deliberation before taking action Belief in people and show sensitivity to their needs Are flexible and open to learning from experience
Transformational Leader Behavior and Attributes Creation and Articulation of vision Role model Fostering a `buy in’ of team goals High performance expectations Personalized leader-Member exchange Empowerment
Transformational Leader versus Transactional Leadership Transactional leadership seeks to maintain stability rather than promoting change within an organization through regular economic and social exchanges that achieve specific goals for both the leaders and their followers
The Transformational Process Stages Make a compelling case for change Inspire a shared Vision Lead the transition 4. Implant the change
Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership Transactional leadership seeks to maintain stability rather than promoting change within an organization through regular economic & social exchanges that achieve specific goals for both leaders and their followers. Transactional leaders go into specific contractual arrangements with followers. In exchange for meeting specified objectives or performing certain duties, the leader provides benefits that satisfy the followers’ needs and desires. Example- monthly bonuses to sales people. Transactional leadership tends to be transitory in that once a transaction is completed, the relationship between parties may end or be redefined. Transformational leaders inspire followers to go beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group.