Decommissioning and Environmental Sciences Division


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Presentation transcript:

Decommissioning and Environmental Sciences Division Agenda Item #3b Decommissioning and Environmental Sciences Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Gerry Van Noordennen DESD Treasurer, 2017 Washington DC November 1, 2017

DESD Mission The mission of the Decommissioning & Environmental Sciences Division (DESD) is to promote the development and use of those skills and technologies associated with the optimal management of decommissioning and environmental sciences and long-term surveillance and maintenance of nuclear and formerly nuclear installations, materials, facilities, and sites for the betterment of society. The target audience for this effort is the member of the Division, the Society, and the public at large. This is achieved by: Holding Topical Meetings Holding Sessions at Annual and Winter meetings Publishing Technical Papers Publishing a DESD Newsletter Support of ANS Young Members Graduate and Undergraduate Scholarships

DESD Leadership Officers Holly Wohlberg Chair Executive Committee Dustin Miller Vice Chair Douglas Davis Secretary Gerry Van Noordennen Treasurer Mark Campagna Ex Officio – Past Chair Executive Committee 2017 2018 2019 James Clarke Andreas Kronenberg    Richard St. Onge Leah Spradley Parks Linda Chou   Frazier Bronson   Timothy Moore Jorge Spitalnik

DESD Governance Bylaws and Rules: Current with ANS latest requirements Succession Plan established as follows: Vice Chair become Chair Secretary becomes Vice Chair Treasurer becomes Secretary Treasurer recruited from Executive Committee or Committee Chairs Executive Committee members are recruited from Members at Large and Committee Members Communication: Rad Waste publication / DESD Advertisements Web Site – Updated regularly ( Participation with ANS Young Members forums Participation with other professional societies

DESD Member Trend

DESD Membership

DESD Finances Division Finances Budget 2017 Actual 6/30/2017 Budget Funds Carry Forward Member Allocation Division Income (Topical Meetings) $ 49,026 $ 1,170 $ 0 $ 1,262 Total Budget Funds $50,196 $ 50,288 Budget Expenses Newsletter/website/communications Awards and Plaques National Meeting Costs (Funded 1 member travel) Scholarship / NEED Funding Division Officer Expenses Student Support (Student Conference) Miscellaneous (Rad Waste Magazine Subscriptions) $ 750 $ 150 $ 7,950 $ 100 $ 1,950 $ 2,250 $ 1,213 $ 2,201 $ 4,356 $ 2,000 $ 2,610 Total Expenses $13,150 $ 12,380 Excess of Budgeted Funds over Expenses $ 37,046 $ 37,908

DESD Contributions to ANS Participation with other Professional Societies: American Meteorological Society Institute for Nuclear Materials Management Health Physics Society Society for Risk Analysis American Geophysical Society National Hydrogen Association Society Leadership: Attendance at ANS Meetings by Division Members DESD members also a part of ANS Board of Directors Non-Meeting Publications: RadWaste Solutions – sent to 50 new members in 2017 RadWaste Magazine Articles Sponsored Sessions at ANS Meetings

DESD Services to Membership Professional Development EPA Risk Assessment Tool Training Scholarships Charles Thomas Scholarship Annual Undergraduate & Graduate Scholarships Peer Awards Wanda Munn for exceptional service Bennett Lewis Award Award to Past Chairs Project Excellence Awards Student Support Travel to meetings Student Conference Sponsorship and Participation in 2017

DESD Summary Areas of Success Focus for Future Action Challenges Topical meetings – D&RS 2106 and Tritium 2016 Position Papers – PS11 set for final ANS BoD vote Scholarships – both undergraduate/graduate level Involvement with other societies International involvement – PBNC 2018 Focus for Future Action Five-Year Budget and Plan Increase Membership Pursue membership involvement from young members Next generation of DESD Officers & Executive Committee Challenges DESD funding and support of DESD Programs/Initiatives Implementing ANS Grand Challenges