Etymology Study- Last ½ of January Etymology study helps you spell challenging words. It helps you understand new, interesting words. It might make you a word nerd!
Mortal Mortician Immortal mortify Etymology Study Micro- Mortal Mortician Immortal mortify
Phonics Phone Telephone saxophone Etymology Study Chrom- Phonics Phone Telephone saxophone
Protocol Protoype proton Etymology Study Scrib- Protocol Protoype proton
Punctuaction Punctual Puncture aupuncture Etymology Study ee- Punctuaction Punctual Puncture aupuncture
Megabyte Megaphone omega Etymology Study Medi- Megabyte Megaphone omega
Trans-across/through (Latin) Etymology Study Trans-across/through (Latin) Translate Transfer Transcribe translucent
Telescope Telegraph Telephone television Etymology Study Tele- far off (Greek) Telescope Telegraph Telephone television
Tend- stretch or strain (Latin) Etymology Study Tend- stretch or strain (Latin) Extend Tendril (climbing plants) Tendon tender
Etymology Study Find the root word: Unchecked Finding Untalkative skipping
Etymology Study Find the root word: Unchecked Finding Untalkative skipping