Fernhill School Induction Meeting for parents
What is special about Fernhill? Small and ambitious school Pastoral system – knowing each child as an individual High standards and expectations Our belief in forming good working relationships with parents and students Our education of the whole child – clubs, trips and preparation for life as well as for exams.
High standards and expectations Students will work to the best of their ability in classwork and homework Students will be respectful to staff and students without question or negotiation Students will be reliable and responsible Students will be punctual to registration and lessons Students will bring the correct equipment Students will keep their mobile phone in bags except at break and lunchtimes
Our School Day Students arrive 8.30 Warning Bell 8.35 Registration 8.40 Lesson 1 9.00 Lesson 2 10.00 Break 11.00 Lesson 3 11.20 Lesson 4 12.20 Lunch 1.20 Lesson 5 1.50 Finish 2.50
Subjects to be studied Core subjects: English, Maths, Science, PE, RS and PSHE Foundation subjects: History, Geography, Art, Music, Technology Additional subjects: Drama and the 2C’s
What equipment is needed? Basic requirements: Black or blue pens – several would be ideal Lead pencils - several would be ideal Ruler Rubber All items to be in a pencil case School bag/ rucksack All students MUST have a reading book at ALL times
What equipment is needed? Additional equipment: Calculator Pencil sharpener Coloured pencils/ pens Glue stick
Other key Information Timetable runs across two weeks Week 1 and Week 2 Homework Class Charts/Student Planner Parent and Student booklets 1 homework a week in English, Maths and Science 1 homework across two weeks in all other subjects except for PSHE, PE and RS Uniform Mobile Phones Cashless Catering Clubs Rewards
Supporting Your Child 4 Houses Lincoln, Mandela, Nightingale, Parks Form Tutor Raising Standards Leader – Miss Lound Assistant Headteacher for KS3 – Mrs Cameron Family Support Worker – Rachel Bennett Student Support Worker – Mrs Jerrom
Communication Half termly email newsletter – ‘The Fernhill Post’ Website Telephone and text messages Email Student Planner Grade cards Parents’ Evenings School calendar
Key Date: ‘Year 7 Parents’ Evening Thursday 8th November 4.30 – 7.00
First Day of Term Wednesday 5th September 8 First Day of Term Wednesday 5th September 8.35am Please come to the Main Hall.