Lady Macbeth Notes Date: Objectives Mark the 7 key points of Lady Macbeth in the play (1 slide for each) and use them to discuss her character. Warm-up – take a moment to read over her greatest quotes.
Lady Macbeth: from control to madness. In Act 1, Scene 5 we meet Lady Macbeth for the first time. She reads a letter from her husband about meeting the witches and the prophecies that they made. She believes two things; Macbeth is kind and she has power over him. She calls upon spirits to give her the strength to do evil things. (Look at quotes again)
Lady Macbeth: from control to madness. In Act 1, Scene 7 Lady Macbeth argues with Macbeth about killing the King that evening. Her arguments show her to be ruthless, ambitious and a master manipulator. She is the dominant force in the relationship. (Read quotes)
Lady Macbeth: from control to madness. In Act 2, Scene 2 she awaits Macbeth’s return having been unable to kill Duncan herself. She is shown to be very capable however. She mixes a sleeping potion with the guards wine. She plants the evidence when Macbeth had forgotten. She also reminds Macbeth to clear the blood off himself and she manages his clearly shaken mind; scolding him then consoling him. (Read quotes)
Lady Macbeth: from control to madness. In Act 3, Scene 2, having achieved her ambition to be Queen, Lady Macbeth realises there is no pleasure in having something you cannot enjoy. Guilt and fear have taken away any security they could have had. Lady Macbeth also starts losing control of Macbeth, who is ordering assassinations without consulting her now. (Read quotes)
Lady Macbeth: from control to madness. In Act 3, Scene 4, the ‘Banquet Scene’, Lady Macbeth is a shadow of her former self. She was once praised for her hostess skills by Duncan. Now she sits alone, left to think and worry. When Macbeth goes crazy and sees a Ghost, she makes a momentary return to her former self by questioning his manhood to calm him down. This drains her however as she ends the party and does not chastise Macbeth any further. (Read quotes)
Lady Macbeth: from control to madness. In Act 5, Scene 1, it is apparent that Lady Macbeth has gone mad. She sleepwalks, talks to herself and mutters details about Duncan’s murder, sees blood on her hands and smells blood as well. Doctors recommend a priest is the only one who can help her. The King and Queen have clearly then drifted apart as Macbeth seems un-phased by news of her suicide.
Cooldown I think, I know, I wonder.