Power Session 5: Working with Mets Lead Generation 36:12:3 Power Session 5: Working with Mets
Power Session 5 In this Power Session … Introduction Who are Mets? What is Metworking? Working with Mets Referrals through your Metwork Final Thoughts Putting It All Together Page 1
Introduction Ground Rules Arrive on time. Form groups quickly. Power Session 5 Ground Rules Arrive on time. Form groups quickly. Limit side conversations. Turn off cell phones and pagers. Be comfortable. Respect time. Respect each other. Help each other. Respect confidentiality. Have fun! Page 3
Introduction How You Will Learn Learning Methods Manual Classroom Power Session 5 How You Will Learn Learning Methods Manual Models/Systems Exercises/Discussion Stories Classroom PowerPoint slides KWConnect videos Classmates/Instructor (continued) Page 4
Accountability Feedback Loop Introduction Power Session 5 How You Will Learn Accountability Methods Lead Generation Action Plan Accountability Partner/Program 1. Set Goals 2. Do Key Activities 3. Measure Results 4. Evaluate Process 5. Make Adjustments Accountability Feedback Loop Page 4
Introduction EXERCISE Where You Are Today Time: 10 minutes Power Session 5 EXERCISE Where You Are Today Lead Generation Activities My aha’s from these activities The most difficult part of these activities What I will do differently in the next 24 hours Time: 10 minutes Page 5
Introduction Power Session 5 Why You Are Here You are here! Page 6
Read, underline, and share … Introduction Power Session 5 Why You Are Here Rick Geha on Mets – Use them or lose them! Read, underline, and share … Page 7
Introduction What Will Make This a Great Training Experience Page 7 Power Session 5 What Will Make This a Great Training Experience Page 7
Who Are Mets? Question Mets are those you’ve met today Power Session 5 Question Who isn’t a Met, really? Mets are those you’ve met today Mets are those you’ve known all your life Collect their contact information— feed your database! Page 9
Who Are Mets? Know your Mets Network Allied Resources Advocates Power Session 5 Know your Mets Network Allied Resources Advocates Core Advocates Page 10
Who Are Mets? EXERCISE Grow your Mets Let Your Fingers Do the Walking Power Session 5 Grow your Mets EXERCISE Let Your Fingers Do the Walking 1) How many names did you feed into your Database? 2) How many of those names have you contacted? Time: 5 minutes Page 11
Who Are Mets? How many Mets do you NEED? EXERCISE Power Session 5 How many Mets do you NEED? EXERCISE How many contacts should I have in my Metwork? Closed Sales Goal _____ x 6 (12:2 ratio) = ______ Contacts in your Met Database Time: 5 minutes Page 12
Who Are Mets? How many Mets do you WANT? “Size matters.” Power Session 5 How many Mets do you WANT? There are no limits! A consistent approach ensures a consistent return. “Size matters.” Godzilla, International Movie Star Page 13
What is Metworking? Myth Truth If you build it, they will come. Power Session 5 Myth If you build it, they will come. Truth All businesses must drive their customers to them. Page 15
What is Metworking? Bruce Hardie on his Metwork : Power Session 5 Bruce Hardie on his Metwork : Everyone he came across was put into his database The 8 x 8 and 33 Touch are his systematic tools for maintaining contact He and his team closed 200 transactions in 2006 That’s the power of Metworking! Page 15
What is Metworking? Why is Metworking important? Power Session 5 Why is Metworking important? People choose to do business with those they KNOW LIKE RESPECT REMEMBER Page 16
It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you. What is Metworking? Power Session 5 Why is Metworking important? Achieve mindshare Truth It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you. Appointment at 1.00 YOU? Other agent Customer Page 17
What is Metworking? Why is Metworking important? Truth Power Session 5 Why is Metworking important? Achieve mindshare Truth You must stay in touch. People may remember you in other ways than as an agent They may remember you when they need help with real estate, but not remember you when someone else needs help Page 18
What is Metworking? Why is Metworking important? Power Session 5 Why is Metworking important? Your Mets can get you off the real estate roller coaster. Your pipeline of leads must be full at all times! Page 19
How to Metwork Prospecting Power Session 5 Real estate is a numbers game and a contact sport Prospecting Making calls through phone calls and visits to ask for business. P M Marketing Letters, postcards, emails, personal notes, newsletters, reports ... sent purposefully and systematically to establish mindshare. Page 21
How to Metwork Systematic tools for Metworking The 8 x 8 The 33 Touch Power Session 5 Systematic tools for Metworking The 8 x 8 Cements your relationship in the eight weeks after you have made contact. The 33 Touch Maintains that relationship over time. Metwork Listings Appointments Sales 8 x 8 and 33 Touch Page 22
How to Metwork EXERCISE Time: 5 minutes The 3-Hour Habit Power Session 5 EXERCISE The 3-Hour Habit What other activities could be included? How could each hour be organized differently? Time: 5 minutes Page 23
How to Metwork The 8 x 8 The 8 x 8 Power Session 5 The 8 x 8 The 8 x 8 The 8 x 8 is a high-impact, high-saturation technique that is designed to put you in the number one position in the minds of everyone you add to your Met database. Page 24
How to Metwork Sample 8 x 8 action plan Power Session 5 Sample 8 x 8 action plan Refer to page 25 of your manual Page 25
How to Metwork 9 tips for implementing the 8 x 8 plan Power Session 5 9 tips for implementing the 8 x 8 plan Put new Mets on an 8 x 8 program immediately Schedule mailings before your calls Make your calls, see Gary Keller’s story Always offer something of value Schedule mailings and calls on your calendar (continued) Page 26
How to Metwork 9 tips for implementing the 8 x 8 plan Power Session 5 9 tips for implementing the 8 x 8 plan 6) Modify the 8 x 8 to work for you, see variations 7) Upon completion of 8 x 8, put Met on 33 Touch 8) Conclude every contact with a request for referrals 9) Take careful notes on each touch Page 27
How to Metwork EXERCISE Customizing Your 8 x 8 Plans Time: 15 minutes Power Session 5 EXERCISE Customizing Your 8 x 8 Plans Break into small groups Create customized 8 x 8 for one of the lead sources on page 28, using the blank form on page 29 Time: 15 minutes Page 28-29
How to Metwork The 33 Touch The 33 Touch Power Session 5 The 33 Touch The 33 Touch The 33 Touch action plan is an “overkill, over time” approach that will ensure year round contact with your Mets. It means never having to worry that your Metwork will forget you or that some other agent will get their mindshare. Page 30
How to Metwork Sample 33 Touch action plan Power Session 5 Sample 33 Touch action plan Refer to page 31 in your manual Page 31
How to Metwork The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 1. Plan Power Session 5 The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 1. Plan Just do it Delegate Make 3 calls a year Write 3 handwritten notes after each phone call Page 32
How to Metwork The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 2. Give value Power Session 5 The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 2. Give value Always come from contribution Page 33
How to Metwork The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 3. Get personal Power Session 5 The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 3. Get personal Anchor a mental association of your name and face with your touches Telephone calls and ‘pop-bys’ are the glue that will hold your action plans together Page 34
How to Metwork The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success Power Session 5 The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 4. Have a ‘Midas’ Touch Differentiate yourself from your competitors Make a Midas touch a special part of your action plan see stories pg 35 Page 35
How to Metwork The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 5. Be consistent Power Session 5 The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 5. Be consistent Put your plan on autopilot as much as possible. Set aside a specific time during your 3 hours to make contact. KISS – Keep It Simple Salesperson! They need to be touched, not bedazzled. Page 36
How to Metwork Bruce Hardie and the car salesman: Power Session 5 Bruce Hardie and the car salesman: Bruce kept in touch with his car salesman. His car salesman did not keep in touch with him. What was the result? Page 36
How to Metwork The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success Power Session 5 The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 6. Know Your Costs How much does it cost you to Metwork? You may decide to spend more or less of your budget on prospecting or marketing. Prospecting should always be a mainstay and it costs less too. Page 37
How to Metwork EXERCISE 1 Know your Costs Power Session 5 Know your Costs EXERCISE 1 How much does it cost to Metwork? Using the formula on page 37 of your Manual, determine your Metworking costs. Time: 5 minutes Page 37
How to Metwork EXERCISE 2 Know your Costs Power Session 5 Know your Costs EXERCISE 2 How much does it cost you NOT to Metwork? Using the formula on page 38 of your Manual, determine how much it costs you not to Metwork. Time: 5 minutes Page 38
How to Metwork The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success Power Session 5 The 33 Touch: 7 Strategies for Success 7. Modify the 33 Touch to work for you Keep it systematic. Customize it to suit your needs. Page 39
How to Metwork EXERCISE Customizing your 33 Touch Time: 10 minutes Power Session 5 EXERCISE Customizing your 33 Touch Break into small groups Create a customized 33 Touch using blank form on pg 39 Time: 10 minutes Page 39
How to Metwork Metworking to your circles Power Session 5 Metworking to your circles Network → Lead Generation Strategy? Inner Circles Allied Resources → Lead Generation Strategy? Advocates → Lead Generation Strategy? Core Advocates → Lead Generation Strategy? see table pg 40 Page 40
How to Metwork Allied Resources Metworking your different categories Power Session 5 Metworking your different categories Allied Resources Remember, ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.’ Think of your Allied Resources as partners in your business. Page 41
How to Metwork EXERCISE Who are your Allied Resources? Time: 5 minutes Power Session 5 EXERCISE Who are your Allied Resources? List all the Allied Resources in a position to provide you with leads. Use the table on page 42. Jot down services you can provide them in exchange. Time: 5 minutes Page 41-42
How to Metwork Metworking your different categories Power Session 5 Metworking your different categories Working with your Allied Resources Visit one-on-one with them several times a year. Educate them on how to communicate your value proposition. Remind your vendors that your business depends on referrals. You have choices, exercise them wisely. Page 43
How to Metwork Metworking your different categories Power Session 5 Metworking your different categories Working with your Advocates People who have done business with you in the past and have become raving fans Don’t entrust their loyalties to memory Touch them regularly; send items of value Meet with them about once a month Page 44
How to Metwork EXERCISE Your Advocates Time: 5 minutes Power Session 5 EXERCISE Your Advocates How many of your Advocates have you met within the past month? How do you plan to meet with them in the coming month? Use chart on pg. 45 Time: 5 minutes Page 44-45
How to Metwork Metworking your different categories Power Session 5 Metworking your different categories Working with your Core Advocates If Advocates are fans, Core Advocates are your concert promoters, and are well placed to provide you with a steady stream of qualified leads. Chart a course to develop a relationship with specific Core Advocates. Provide them with the highest level of service. Provide some sort of service in return. Page 47
How to Metwork Janet Faulk’s Wealth Determiners: Power Session 5 Janet Faulk’s Wealth Determiners: Janet has six Wealth Determiners. She finds out what is important to them and offers them items value. One third of her income comes from these six people. Page 48
How to Metwork EXERCISE Your Core Advocates Time: 5 minutes Power Session 5 EXERCISE Your Core Advocates What sort of services or benefits can you provide Core Advocates? List any Core Advocates you have. List a Core Advocate you would like to have, then think of someone you know who might be able to get you in touch with that person, or someone closer to them. Time: 5 minutes Page 49
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 Success Through Others Imagine that your Metwork is 216 people. 216 6 = 36 deals in a year Imagine that each one in your Metwork only knows six people. Each person knows someone selling their home. 216 1 = 216 deals in a year continued Page 51
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 Success Through Others Working for Referrals The strategy to ask for referrals is simple: Educate Ask Reward Page 51
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 1. Educate How many people do you know who could readily communicate to a prospective referral the benefits of using you as their real estate agent? It is your job to Educate them on the value you place on referrals Explain what to do if they have a referral Page 52
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 1. Educate Explain what to do if they have a referral In person and over the phone In writing Page 52
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 EXERCISE Educating your contacts On Your Own – Guided Self Study Page 54
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 2. Ask Not everyone thinks to ask for a referral. In person and over the phone—see scripts pg 55-56 Page 55-56
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 2. Ask Not everyone thinks to ask for a referral. In writing—see note pg 57 Page 57
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 EXERCISE Ask for the referral On Your Own – Guided Self Study Page 57-58
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 3. Reward You must be systematic in your approach to rewarding a referral Reward the right behavior Show appreciation at every stage of transaction. Recognition and appreciation are important as gifts Reciprocate when possible – referrals beget referrals Page 59
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 Plan your rewards through a 33 Touch Plan Create an Advocate Appreciation plan for customers who have referred business to you Include items of value If customer is on another plan, cancel that and start the Advocate Appreciation as soon as they make referral exercise on next slide Page 60
Referrals Through Your Metwork Power Session 5 EXERCISE Your Advocate Appreciation 33 Touch Look at the sample 33 Touch plan for your Advocate Appreciation on page 61 In small groups, Develop a customized Advocate appreciation 33 Touch program using the worksheet on page 62 Time: 10 minutes Page 60-62
Final Thoughts Metworking works! Power Session 5 Metworking works! It is one of the easiest and most pleasurable ways to do business. Through the 8 x 8 and 33 Touch you are ensuring a steady stream of leads, referrals, and new and repeat business. Keep the financial rewards in mind. Page 63
Putting It All Together Power Session 5 Power Session Aha’s Your Lead Generation Action Plan Page 64-65
Putting It All Together Power Session 5 The 3-Hour Habit Time block 3 hours every workday before noon. No skipping. If you must erase, then you must replace. Allow no interruptions (unless they truly are emergencies). Page 66-67
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