Collaboration between the South Carolina Clinical & Translational Research Institute (SCTR) and Health Sciences South Carolina (HSSC) Palmetto Profiles is a version of the open source research networking software product "Profiles", developed by Harvard Catalyst, Harvard's CTSA-funded organization and supported by Recombinant Data Corp Software has automatic identification of publications from PubMed Researcher can login in and edit their profile, update their publications, and make connections to other researchers
Currently being piloted at MUSC, but will roll out to all HSSC institutions including: Clemson University Greenville Hospital System University Medical Center Palmetto Health Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Allowing for new ways to network between researchers in South Carolina
Search for Researchers with expertise in a particular area.
Searching: Alcoholism 242 results returned
Click on the researcher’s name to view their profile Click on “Why?” to view the connections this researcher has to your search
60 matching publications for Alcoholism and Kathleen Brady
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The size and color of the keywords indicate which topics are most representative of this researcher’s work.
co-authors on this researcher’s publications. View the co-authors on this researcher’s publications. Find researcher’s at MUSC who have published on similar topics.
This is a useful tool, but how do I access and edit my profile? And now you are thinking… This is a useful tool, but how do I access and edit my profile?
In the left side menu, you will find the options to edit and login to your profile.
Now you are in “Edit Mode”
From “Edit Mode” you can hide your address, And your e-mail address.
You can hide or show sections of your profile You can add awards, Add or Edit narrative, You can hide or show sections of your profile Add or Edit narrative,
Or manage your publications.
Click “Add PubMed” to add a publication.
Or “Delete” to remove multiple publications. Or “Delete” a single publication.
Add people to your “Network” by selecting their relationship you you and your research.
Please contact the SUCCESS Center at 792-8300 or Questions? Please contact the SUCCESS Center at 792-8300 or