A Tour of Innovative Schools Dr. Bernard Bull
What is a school? EssentialImportantPresent
What do you know about… personalized pathways, personalized pathways, personal learning plans, personal learning plans, adaptive learning, adaptive learning, blended learning models and tools, blended learning models and tools, online learning, online learning, real-time learning analytics, real-time learning analytics, 1:1 programs, 1:1 programs, & charter management organizations. & charter management organizations.
What is educational innovation? Unchained solutions to educational problems through experimentation, exploration, and getting informed about the possibilities.
What is an innovative school? Visionary leadership informed by possibilities largely invisible to other school leaders One or two clear, unavoidable, school-shaping concepts A tough mindset Extensive research Strong alliance with like-minded organizations
What is an innovative school? Effectiveness and impact data about student learning Unusually high turnover Highly protective of what (or who) they put in the water Heavy investment in ongoing PD, especially new people Active in sharing their secret
KM Global The Problem / Possibility How do we prepare students for leadership in a global and connected world?
KM Global The Solution 1. Personalized project-based learning with local and global connections 2. Separate school, but embedded within the legacy high school
KM Global How does it work? 1. Learning coaches and content mentors. 2. Semester-long inquiry aligned to state standards & graduation requirements. 3. Connections beyond the school / internships
KM Global How does it work? 4. Semester defense 5. Supplemented with online, blended and some traditional AP courses. 6. Learning teams 7. Student access to legacy high school resources.
Inquiry Examples How do you create and maintain an investment portfolio as a young adult? How do you create and maintain an investment portfolio as a young adult? How has the Human Genome Project changed treatment for Sickle Cell Anemia over the last decade? How has the Human Genome Project changed treatment for Sickle Cell Anemia over the last decade? What evidence do scientists have that animals have emotion, and how can their emotion/behavior be changed? What evidence do scientists have that animals have emotion, and how can their emotion/behavior be changed? How does geography and income effect a persons nutritional diet? How does geography and income effect a persons nutritional diet? How has the motorcycle impacted society? How has the motorcycle impacted society? How has technology impacted the music industry today? How has technology impacted the music industry today? What does the existence of zombies in popular culture say about society? What does the existence of zombies in popular culture say about society?
KM Global A Day/Week in the Life Meet with learning coach 4+ times/week Written reflection 5+ times/week Learning team advisory meetings 2 times/week Weekly seminar 1/week Attend and work in one or more legacy, blended, or online courses as determined by personal learning plan Field experiences, interviews, visits, internships
KM Global Resources 1. Learning coaches 2. Legacy teachers 3. Community partnerships 4. Global connections 5. Project Foundry, Blendspace, Moodle, 1:1 laptop, Aleks math, video conferencing technology
USC Hybrid High School The Problem / Possibility Only 8% of people from low income families graduate college by age 24?
USC Hybrid High School The Solution 1. Personalized Learning 2. High Expectations 3. Traditional + Studio Time
USC Hybrid High School How does it work? 1. Half of the time is teacher led courses. 2. Studio time working on interactive, self- paced, mastery lessons.
USC Hybrid High School How does it work? 3. Teachers spend significant time designing the self-paced lessons. 4. Self-placed lessons are built for real-time tracking of student progress and mastery. 5. Optional academic exercises
USC Hybrid High School A Day/Week in the Life Attend teacher-led classes classes 75 minutes of studio time – It is truly empowering to watch a kid press pause.
USC Hybrid High School Resources 1. USC 2. Emagine Charter Management Organization 3. 2:1 laptop and iPad 4. Other curricular partners
Tagos Leadership Academy The Problem / Possibility How can we provide a personalized path to helping students build self-confidence and academic skills?
Tagos Leadership Academy The Solution 1. Personalized learning plans 2. Student-led project-based learning 3. Restorative justice 4. Learning coaches 5. Advisory circles
Tagos Leadership Academy How does it work? 1. Personalized plan with learning coach 2. Town hall meetings 3. Circles 4. Self-directed projects
Tagos Leadership Academy How does it work? 3. Daily unplugged reading time annual Experience Days 5. Project defenses 6. Adaptive math curriculum for all students
Tagos Leadership Academy A Day/Week in the Life Circles 1 on 1 with learning coach Town hall meeting Reading time Individual project time Experience day (every third week)
Tagos Leadership Academy Resources 1. Office space for each student 2. Presentation area 3. Meeting area 4. ALEKS for math 5. Modest library 6. Distance learning room 7. No traditional classrooms
Innovation Lutheran High School Network The Problem / Possibility How can we adapt to local needs & contexts while leveraging the power of the global Lutheran education network?
Innovation Lutheran High School Network 1. LHS management teams or SIGs for high-impact area (STEAM, blended & online, PBL, personalized learning, etc.) 2. Shared robust LMS for easy collaboration 3. 21cle.com 4. LHS Open Badge (Micro-Credentialing) Curriculum Project 5. CUS Dual Credit Consortium 6. Teacher/Course/Curriculum Co-op 7. LHS MOOCs 8. Center for Research and Innovation in Lutheran Education
A Tour of Innovative Schools Dr. Bernard Bull