Aliens on a Journey Follow His Path
Announcements Harvest Dinner - Oct 24, 6pm; Offering for MM Business Meeting – Oct 25, 10:50am; Marriage Amendment Mission Mexico – Nov. 4-10 Marriage Seminar – Nov 6,7; Register by Oct 26
Orwell Bible Church November 6,7 2015 Pick up a flyer at the sharing table. Pass the word to friends.
As Aliens on a Journey We Must Follow His Path
Who you are makes a difference. Nationality… Height… Attitude… Age…
Who are these Aliens? 1 Peter 1.1-16 Chosen v.3 Born again v.3 Hopeful v.3 Secure v.4-5 Joyful v.6-8 Holy – set apart v.13-16
What Motivates aliens to Follow His Path? v. 17-21 The opportunity to be like Christ v.16 Reward and Respect v.17 Cost of Redemption v.18-19 Being part of God’s Plan v.20-21
So what do pilgrims do? v.22-25 Obey Him Love Others Exhibit their heritage Submit to God’s Word its authority and eternality
This is what was preached to You!! What else is eternal? This is what was preached to You!!
Jude 24-25 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.