About Company ESTORE IS newly established on March, 2014. Working in Multi Products Like Cosmetics, Mobile, Laptop, Motorbikes, Cars and much more …… Started with Great, hard working and educated members on the net. ESTORE is Working on many products with great hard working, educated, highly skilled and qualified staff. It is 100% pure Autonet system, where every one can earn through Our splitover system. We believe in professionalism and expect our team to provide the highest degree of skill, expertise, commitment and accountability.
Our Unique Services We are providing services to make you rich ultimately we have changed your life style and ways of livings When you will join us then you would be a part of ESTORE. You can earn around 8,19,000 Rupees in all without any referral. With just 2500 Rupees from your pocket. Once you entered into our system you must achieve Rewards by introducing new referrals. Invite your friends and family to be a part of this company and earn money by your referrals up to 12th level
Registration Register Yourself by paying just Rs 2500 rupees only. Login your account Update your Profile Send referral links to your contacts. Through Internet you can make account by paying $25 at following payment processors www.egopay.com www.perfectmoney.com And also you can send payment through UBL Omni, Easy Paisa or Cash deposit. Any charges will be paid by you send full amount 2500. Bank account is available on our website.
Registration Terms. Life time registration charges Rs 2500 or $25. If you want to get another account, you have to open a new account with new email. Provide your real contact number registered with your name Provide your National identity or passport’s copy Provide your true details as per your Govt. Documents. Govt. Taxes will be deducted from your income
Make your Down line Send referral link to Mobile list Contacts Your Friends E-mail lists Internet Friends Face book, Twitter, Tagged, Zorpia, Classified Ads etc ……….
REWARDS Sr. No. Direct Referral Rank Rewards / Payment 1 10 1 Star Mobile / 2500 2 25 2 Star Mobile/ 5,000 3 50 3 Star Handycam/ 8,000 4 100 4 Star Laptop/ 20,000 5 200 5 Star China Bike / 50,000/- 6 500 6 Star Honda125 / 100,000/- 7 1000 7 Star Umrah/ 300,000/- 8 5000 8 Star Mehran car/ 6,00,000/-
Rewards 1 Star / 10 Members 2 Star / 25 Members 3 Star / 50 Members
Registration Fee PKR 2500 or $25 Levels Members Incentive 1 2 200 4 400 3 8 800 16 1600 5 32 3200 6 64 6400 7 128 12800 256 25600 9 512 51200 10 1024 102400 11 2048 204800 12 4096 409600 Total 819000
You 1 2 5 3 4 6
Payment Options
Are you ready? Do you want to fulfill your dreams? Do you want to work together? Do you want to work honestly? If yes then join WWW.ESTOREINT.COM
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