#39 Ch 11 Notes
#38 Ch 11 S 1 Details: Read & Notes Ch 11 S 1 __________________ 11.4.5 Analyze the political, economic, and social ramifications of World War I on the home front.
Chapter 11: The First World War Section 1: World War I Begins
Summarize public opinion about the war in the United States Objectives: Following lecture and reading of this section, students will be able to: Identify the four long term causes and one immediate cause of the first world war. MANIA Summarize public opinion about the war in the United States Explain why the United States entered the war BUZER
Warm-up What do you know about World War I? Fought in Europe The U.S. help win the war …
Causes of World War I M A N I
Causes of World War I M- Militarism A- Alliance System N- Nationalism I- Imperialism A- Assassination -Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Nationalism Imperialism Assassination
Building up the military Militarism Building up the military Acquire territories To be able to defend territories To cause others to be afraid of you
Alliances When countries agree to back each other up militarily in a conflict with another nation To be stronger as a set of nations, rather than weaker by yourself
Nationalism Putting your country’s interests in front of the interests of the world To have pride and rid one’s country of outside rule; to become independent. A nation’s foreign affairs should be guided by its own self interests
Imperialism When stronger nations took advantage militarily, politically, or economically of weaker nations Adding territories to your nation to make it stronger To increase economic or political power around the world. Colonies were also places to not only extract goods but sell goods to as well
Assassination The Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife were killed by a member of the “Black Hand.” The “Black Hand” wanted to promote Serbian nationalism and get rid of Austro-Hungarian influence and unite all Serbians under one government The alliance system forces many nations into the war
The Beginning of the War Germany invaded Belgium The Schlieffen Plan- Germany attacked the west (Britain & France) while troops held off the Russians in the east After France fell, all German forces would be directed to defeating the Russian Czar Armies used trench warfare Trench warfare - Armies lined up and stationed behind fort like structures with an area between them called “no man’s land” Millions died and little ground was gained At the First Battle of the Somme 1.2 million died in 7 months over 7 miles of land Fighting was deadlocked for two years.
Public Opinion on U.S. Involvement Although most Americans opposed entering the war, public opinion about the war is strongly divided. Economic and cultural ties with Britain plus Germany was the aggressor gain American sympathy for the Allies
Cause of U.S. Involvement in WWI B U Z E R
Cause of U.S. Involvement in WWI British Blockade Unrestricted U-Boat Attacks Zimmerman Note Economic Interests Russian Revolution
Reasons for U.S. entrance into WW I British Blockade U-boat Attacks Zimmerman Note Economic Interests Russian Revolution
British Blockade The British naval blockade creates terrible food shortages in Germany because all of the nitrates normally used for farmers fertilizer was being used in ammunition production The Germans could not get any more nitrates shipped in because no one was willing to challenge the British naval blockade in the North Blockade only allowed the U.S. to trade with Britain U.S. wants to make $$$$ Keeps the U.S. from trading with Germany, and makes U.S. trade exclusively with Britain.
Unrestricted U-Boat Attacks German U-boats, submarines, respond and to the British Blockade and sink British ships, including passenger liners, like the Lusitanian Germans claimed the Lusitanian was carrying weapons American public opinion began to strongly go against Germany.
Zimmerman Note The Zimmerman Note was an intercepted telegram sent from Germany to Mexico asking for support in the event of war, and promising Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back as repayment.
Economic Interests to ensure allied repayment of debts to united states we had to make sure the allies won: Britain France Russia others
Russian Revolution Russia’s Czar was overthrown in favor of a socialist society We could now enter the war as companions with the British & French as democracies fighting against brutal monarchies.
#38 Ch 11 S 1 Details: Read & Notes Ch 11 S 1 Margin ?s: D-F (3) Study Guide ?s 1-8 (8) 11.4.5 Analyze the political, economic, and social ramifications of World War I on the home front.