WELCOME to research With Dr. Eden Hunt
Introductions Who am I? Who are you? Where is your internship? If you don’t have one, what can I do to help?
Stuff I have For You! Syllabus Information Sheets Edmodo Turn It In Information Sheets Research Notebook Guidelines Plagiarism Certification
Get Certified!!! (Now you have no excuses) Muahahahahaha
Important Notebook Guidelines Blue or Black Ink No White-Out Sign and Date each page Table of Contents Include ALL ideas Write methods and steps AS YOU GO (not later) Write what actually happened, not the perfect world Always write directly in the notebook, not on scrap paper Include ALL raw data, charts, pictures, graphs
What is Research?
Basic vs Applied Science Applied science focuses on the development of technology and techniques. In contrast, basic science develops scientific knowledge and predictions, principally in natural sciences but also in other empirical sciences, which are used as the scientific foundation for applied science.
Your Research? Choose something based on your interests (if possible) Discuss this with your mentor (SOON SOON SOON PLEASE!) Must have SCHOLARLY literature review Must be directly related to your internship (of course)
Basic Science vs. Social Science Traditional science research falls under “basic science” Physics, chemistry, “how nature works” develops scientific knowledge and predictions, principally in natural sciences Variables can usually be controlled and manipulated Ideally one independent variable, everything else is constant
Basic Science vs. Social Science Applied Science research focuses on the development of technology and techniques based on basic science knowledge Also some control and manipulation of variables Design projects – have design constraints instead of true research questions
Basic Science vs. Social Science Social Science research Observational, descriptive, case study Experimental social science – variables are usually impossible to control Sampling considerations: large numbers, random sampling is best
What is Research? Get notebook and respond to What is Research? Add to or revise based on discussion if you have already done it New page and new date Follow your new notebook directions!
Finishing Questions?
Myths of Science Quiz Quiz Time Just kidding… NBD!