Tablet ownership and behaviour 1 Results from YouGov survey conducted 28 th – 31 st December 2012
All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2055 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 28th - 31st December The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults online (aged 18+). 2 Sample and method
3 Bumper Christmas for tablets signal increased consumption of news Source: YouGov December UK adults online
million adults now own a tablet Sources: YouGov UK adults online 18+, December 2012 ONS Internet Access Quarterly update Q3, 2012 for UK adults who have used internet of adults own a tablet29.3% intend to buy before March %
5 Who owns tablets? Tablet ownership - millions Ownership growing across age groups Sources: YouGov – 2055 UK adults online 18+, December 2012 ONS Internet Access Quarterly update Q3, 2012 for UK adults who have used internet
6 Who owns tablets? Ownership peaks among 25-34s Tablet ownership – reach across age groups Source: YouGov – 2055 UK adults online 18+, December 2012
7 Who owns tablets? 50% of owners are 45+, with slight shift to under 45s pre-post Xmas Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December 2012
8 Who owns tablets? Slight female bias both pre and post Xmas Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December 2012
9 Who owns tablets? Increased likelihood for ABC1s to own tablets Tablet ownership – reach across social class groups Source: YouGov UK adults online 18+, December 2012
10 Who owns tablets? Still heavily weighted to more upmarket owners Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December 2012
Which brands were bought Christmas 2012? Kindle Fire most popular gift for giving and receiving Source: YouGov UK adults online 18+,who bought (140) /received (106) a tablet as a gift this Christmas, December 2012 * Totals add to more than 100% as some people bought more than one tablet as a gift
12 What do people use tablets for most often? Keeping up with news among top 3 activities for 30% of owners Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December Question summary: Which three (of list of activities) do you use your tablet for most often?
13 Which activities change most by age group? 18-24s much more likely to put social networking in top 3 than Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December Question summary: Which three (of list of activities) do you use your tablet for most often?
14 Tablet apps downloaded in first 2 days Nearly half downloaded 6-40 apps Source: YouGov - Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December Question summary: how many apps (free and paid-for) did you download within the first 2 days of owning it?
15 Tablet apps downloaded Newsbrand apps are in the top 5 of downloaded apps Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December Question summary : which apps ever downloaded?
16 Newsbrand tablet apps downloaded Young people are most likely to download newspaper apps 62% of owners who read newspapers at least once a month via their tablet have downloaded an app, suggesting the remaining third access on tablets via web, other news apps, or social media Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December Question summary : which apps ever downloaded?
17 Tablet ownership increases news consumption Over 4 in 10 owners think they will/do read more news, 60% of 25-34s Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December Question summary : do you think owning a tablet means you will (or already do) read more or less news?
18 What do tablet newspaper readers also read? Tablet readers are most likely to read newsbrands across all platforms 53% also read via mobile 74% also read online 74% also read print Source: YouGov UK adults online 18+ who read newspapers on a tablet,29-31 December 2012 * Read newspapers= at least once a month for all formats
19 What do mobile readers also read? Most mobile readers also read print and online 41% also read via tablet 78% also read online 71% also read print Source: YouGov – 342 UK adults online 18+ who read newspapers on a mobile/smartphone, December 2012 * Read newspapers= at least once a month for all formats
20 What do print readers also read? Online via laptop/pc is strongest second platform for print readers 14% also read via tablet 18% also read via mobile 41% also read online * Read newspapers= at least once a month for all formats Source: YouGov UK adults online 18+ who read print newspapers, December 2012
21 What do online readers also read? Online via laptop/pc is strongest second platform for print readers 25% also read via tablet 35% also read via mobile 74% also read print * Read newspapers= at least once a month for all formats Source: YouGov UK adults online 18+ who read newspapers via a PC/laptop, December 2012
22 Social media users and tablets Social media users more likely to own tablets Source: YouGov UK adults online 18+, December 2012 * Social media users = at least once a month
Social media users and news Social media users more likely to read digital newsbrands Source: YouGov UK adults online 18+, December 2012 *Read newspapers = at least once a month for all formats. Social media users = at least once a month
24 Social media users and tablet news Tablet owners who use social media more likely download newspaper apps * Social media users = at least once a month Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December 2012
25 Social media users and tablet news Social media users more likely to increase news consumption * Social media users = at least once a month Source: YouGov UK tablet owners online 18+, December 2012