MMG101 L:1 Module 2 Teacher's Manual Creating Classroom Standards Growth & Respect Creating Classroom Standards © Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Right Reserved.
MMG101 L:1 Module 2 Teacher's Manual GROWTH RESPECT 1. Ask several students to define what “growth” and “respect” mean in reference to the classroom. (NOTE: You can use the “pen” tool if you wish to write on the T-chart if you are presenting the module in PowerPoint.) 2. A simple definition of “respect” that students will understand might be: To understand and approve of the good qualities and abilities of another person. 3. Have students add “respect” to their vocabulary list. © Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Right Reserved.
MMG101 L:1 Module 2 Teacher's Manual Team Activity Discuss the questions and write your responses in the activity T-chart 1. Have students open the Internet, and direct them to and open: Student Workbook #3 Student T-Chart. Students can use this interactive form to complete and save their T-chart as a PDF document. (If you printed the student materials, distribute Student Workbook #3 Student T-Chart to students). 2. Divide the class into teams and assign each team one of the two words. 3. Each team should discuss the questions on the next screen and write their responses in their “Student T-Chart.” © Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Right Reserved.
MMG101 L:1 Module 2 Teacher's Manual Team Questions What does it mean to grow in class? To show respect in class? Why is it important to show respect in class? Is it important to show respect even if you don’t feel it? What happens when you don’t show respect? How does this connect to “anarchy”? What does it mean to grow? Can we grow in ways that are not physical? In what ways do we grow emotionally? Intellectually? Why is showing respect (or hiding disrespect) a sign of growing? What does a student who is doing this word look like? Sound like? Act like? For example, what does a growing student look like in class? What does a respectful student look like or sound like in class? 1. Explain to students when we think about the “why” of why we do something, we are practicing Metacognition which means: “thinking about thinking, thinking about how we think, and then thinking about why we think that 2. Have students add “Metacognition” and its definition to their Word Wall. © Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Right Reserved.
MMG101 L:1 Module 2 Teacher's Manual Team Presentations When we ask “why,” we are practicing metacognition. 1. Ask each team to present their T-Chart. 2. Ask each team why do they believe each item is important. (Remind them of practicing metacognition). 3. As each team generates ideas, create a class list on the next screen. © Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Right Reserved.
MMG101 L:1 Module 2 Teacher's Manual T-Chart Notes 1. After all students have shared their items, use the list to create a short list of classroom standards. 2. Vote on each item to create a class list of standards. 3. After you have agreed on a class list of standards, click on the “Create Classroom Poster” icon. 4. Copy the list of standards onto the template*. 5. Print the poster and have each student sign it and post it in the classroom. 6. Email a copy of the classroom standards home to parents along with an explanation of how students took responsibility for creating the list. During the school year, if a student violates one of the standards, make the student aware of which standard s/he violated to correct the behavior. Students will eventually start self-correcting and correcting each other based upon the class agreement they signed. ***** * Options to using the poster template. Have several volunteers write the rules on a large sheet of paper. Have other volunteers decorate the poster. Have each student sign it and post it in the classroom If you use a SmartBoard, have some creative students create a design, and have several volunteers write the rules on the poster. Print the SmartBoard page, have each class member sign and post in the classroom. Create classroom poster in MS™ Word End Module Next Module © Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Right Reserved.