digital natives live in a multimedia world only know media in all color prioritize visual learning demand creativity learn best through trial and error constantly connect and collaborate access information that is live and linked
MOBILEMOBILE Students live in a world with anytime, anywhere access to information at their fingertips.
COLLABORATIVECOLLABORATIVE Technology has provided our students with a social, collaborative world. They thrive on teamwork and figuring things out with their friends.
CONNECTEDCONNECTED Todays students want to connect with others in real time through social media and mobile devices.
MULTIMEDIA DRIVENMULTIMEDIA DRIVEN T Todays students are equal parts consumer and creator. They download and view audio and video, then create their own to upload and share with others. They are used to having multimedia tools at their fingertips, and they are adept at using these tools to express their creativity.
CONSTANTLY CHANGINGCONSTANTLY CHANGING Constant change requires independent learners with new skills for changing work environments: critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication.
New Skills and Literacies Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration Agility and Adaptability Initiative and Entrepreneurialism Effective Oral and Written Communication Accessing and Analyzing Information Curiosity and Imagination
PHYSICAL and VIRTUAL LEARNING SPACESPHYSICAL and VIRTUAL LEARNING SPACES Students live in a world where they can learn anywhere, any time and from anyone.
By connecting education with smarter technology, Intel offers a look into the future of K-12 education. Watch as students use technology to collaborate with peers and industry experts to build a bridge model, from the initial design phase through the final structure testing.
BENEFITSBENEFITS Learning anytime, anywhere without schedule or access restrictions Personalized devices Devices are commonly more up-to-date with newer features Allows for immediate application in the classroom Competitive pricing of tablets, smartphones, and laptop computers- BYOD a viable option for many families Replicates a technology-rich environment already common in higher education and business Flexibility- supports different learners with different needs
USES IN THE CLASSROOMUSES IN THE CLASSROOM Data organization tools Web-based applications for classroom polling and quick tests Audio for podcasting and radio broadcasts Video QR codes Digital storytelling Language learning Probe attachments for measuring data Course companion sites
More engaged and motivated students Students are held accountable for their learning, puts them in charge Encourages continued learning outside of the classroom walls Personalized; students tap into their individual learning preferences Helps students identify and master skills that will make them life-long learners Gives students a preview of how their future workplaces will operate
I would support a BYOD initiative. Yes – 73% No – 22% No Opinion – 5%
Is your student responsible enough? Yes – 72% No – 23% No opinion – 4%
Would you like to be able to bring your device to school to use for school related activities? Yes – 96% No – 4%
Do you think bringing your own device to school for instructional purposes could enhance your learning? Yes – 92% No – 8%
BYOD is simply a program where students can bring their own personal devices on campus and connect them to the new school district wireless network that allows filtered internet access.
Laptop Smart Phone Tablet E-reader Any internet capable device.
If students have a signed Cobb County BYOD Student/Parent agreement on file in the front office and have received their BYOD agenda sticker, then yes, they may bring a device at their own risk and choice.
Students bring personal electronic devices to school at their own risk, just like any other personal items. The school district will NOT be held responsible if any personal electronic (or other personal item) is lost, stolen, damaged, or misplaced.
Will a student be at a disadvantage if they dont have a device? NO! District curriculum remains the same. The district will continue to purchase supplementary textbooks, support materials, computers and software to support student learning. When electronic devices are used to enhance learning in the classroom, students without a personal device will be provided access to an appropriate district-owned device as needed individually, in pairs or as part of a group.
What network access will users have on their devices? Students will have access to district- filtered Internet access only by logging into the CCSDBYOD network. All chat and IMing capabilities have been disabled. Students cannot access Facebook or other social network sites. Students should not use a cellular network (3G, 4G,etc.) while at school.