Nate Nelson I*LEVEL, Inc. CF Administrator Nate Nelson I*LEVEL, Inc.
Server Settings Maximum # of Simultaneous Requests Recommended 3 Per Processor Timeout Requests after n seconds Prevent unusually lengthy requests from using up server resources Whitespace Management Missing Template Handler Site-wide Error Handler
Caching Maximum # of Cached Templates Trusted Cache Too low of number can slow down response time Too high of number requires more memory Experiment to find best setting for your server Suggested to start with 1 page per MB of JVM size Trusted Cache ColdFusion will no not check for updated templates that are cached Great performance enhancement for Production server that won't be updated
Caching Save Class Files Cached web paths Cached Queries Recommended for Production Server Cached web paths Only for single-site web server installations Cached Queries Specify # of queries cached at once Cached queries reside in memory When limit is reached, oldest is removed cachedwithin or cachedafter of <cfquery>
Client Variables Used for persistent data Can be stored in 1 of 3 locations Registry (Default storage) Simple Implementation Registry can become corrupt if it becomes too large Cookies Users can have cookies disabled Datasource (Requires database) Portable and not tied to host system Complex Implementation
Client Variables Control Client Variable expiration Default 90 days, Minimum 1 day Disable Global Client Variable Updates If checked, client vars HITCOUNT & LASTVISIT only update when Client vars set or modified Client Variable expiration based on HITCOUNT and LASTVISIT Alternate way to set Client Var Storage <cfapplication name= "x" clientManagement= "yes" clientStorage= "dsn" or "registry" or "cookie">
ColdFusion Mappings Mappings allow you to point to files outside of webroot Logical Path = Name of mapping Directory Path = Absolute path to directory Mappings can be used in <cfinclude> and <cfmodule> Specify mapping with “/” <cfinclude template=”/mymapping/file.cfm
More Server Settings Mail Server Charting Settings Connect to default mail server, can also be set with <cfmail> Server Port, Connection Timeout, Spool Interval Mail logging settings Charting Settings Cache Type (memory or disk), Max # cached images, # of charting threads, disk cache location
More Server Settings Java and JVM settings Archives and Deployment JVM Path = location of JVM.dll or Min and Max JVM Heap Size Class Path and JVM Arguments Archives and Deployment Archive and deploy CF apps, configuration settings, dsn info and more Settings Summary Shows all CFMX configuration settings
Data & Services Data Sources Verity Collections Verity K2 Server Setup & verify connections to Data Sources Verity Collections Manage collections for search interfaces Verity K2 Server For faster searching Web Services Registering a web service allows you to change web service URL without changing code
Debugging Settings Enable Debugging Custom Debug Output For performance and security reasons it is recommended to only be used in development Can be enabled in CFAdmin or in code <cfsetting showdebugoutput=”yes” or “no”> Custom Debug Output Classic or Dockable format Switch on or off specific debug content Variables include Application,CGI,Client, Cookie,Form,Request,Server,Session,URL
Debuggin IP Addresses IP Address List No IP Addresses listed If 1 or more IP addresses are specified, debug is limited to those IP's only No IP Addresses listed If no IP address specified then debug is appended to all requests
Logging and More Manage CFMX Logging Options Log Files Scheduled Tasks Log Directory, Maximum Log File Size Log slow pages taking longer than n seconds Log Files Useful to find bottlenecks application.log, exceptions.log, scheduler.log, server.log, customtag.log, mail.log, etc. Scheduled Tasks Schedule execution of local and remote web pages
Extensions Java Applets CFX Tags Custom Tags CORBA Connectors To use <cfapplet>, Applets must be registered CFX Tags Written C++ or Java, must be registered Faster than custom tags since compiled Custom Tags Specify custom tag location besides default CORBA Connectors Must be registered, requires restart
Security CF Admin Password RDS Password Sandbox Security A sandbox is a designated area of your site to which you apply security restrictions. Control access to Data Sources, Tags, Functions, Files and Directories, IP Ports
Resources Macromedia CFMX Documentation Configuring and Administering CFMX dfusion/ Live Docs