SCC Degrees & Certificates Awarded Academic Year 2010-11 to Academic Year 2015-16 Last updated 05/2016 AG – 9/20/2016 AD Fiscal/Academic Year Associate Degrees Certificates Number Percent Total FY 2010-11 1,130 69.5% 496 30.5% 1,626 FY 2011-12 1,500 78.7% 405 21.3% 1,905 FY 2012-13 1,481 73.5% 534 26.5% 2,015 FY 2013-14 1,654 77.1% 491 22.9% 2,145 FY 2014-15 1,634 72.0% 637 28.0% 2,271 FY 2015-16 1,582 76.8% 479 23.2% 2,061 Source: Awards File Note: graduates may receive more than one degree or certificate. 9 of 10 Sacramento City College Office of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness