Do Now Henry Ford once said, "You can have any color of car you want—as long as it is black” In your opinion where did Henry Ford go wrong when he said this?
KEY TERMS Marketing Marketing strategy is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large Marketing strategy Is a company’s plan that identifies how it will use marketing to achieve its goals
UNDERSTANDING MARKETING Marketing activities As a consumer you are exposed to marketing activities all of the time. These are activities resulting from the marketing functions. Marketing businesses All businesses must complete some marketing activities even if that is not their focus. Marketing Functions Consists of 7 functions. Each function occurs every time a product or service is development and sold. Businesses provide most of the marketing functions
Marketing Functions
Group Project With a partner: Define each of the marketing functions. Pick a product or service and show how they use each of the marketing function for the product/service Save on Google drive