A triadic framework for collaborative consumption (CC) Motives, activities and resources & capabilities of actors By: Sabine Benoit, Thomas L. Baker, Ruth N. Bolton, Thorsten Gruber, Jay Kandampully Benoit, S./Baker, T./Bolton, R./Gruber, T./Kandampully, J. (2017), A Triadic Framework for Collaborative Consumption: Motives, roles and resources, Journal of Business Research 79, 219-227, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.05.004
Context of Research Current status: Objectives: Emerging academic literature lacks formal conceptualisation of what collaborative consumption (CC) is. Objectives: Delineate collaborative consumption from other forms of exchange Define actors in terms of motives, activities, resources and capabilities Suggest avenues for further research What is collaborative consumption (CC)? Consumers access goods and services Goods and services are provided by a peer Exchange is mediated through a technology platform Benoit, S./Baker, T./Bolton, R./Gruber, T./Kandampully, J. (2017), A Triadic Framework for Collaborative Consumption: Motives, roles and resources, Journal of Business Research 79, 219-227
Conceptualising CC Main characteristics Triadic, not dyadic, relationship: customer + peer service provider + platform provider Only temporary access to good or service – no transfer of ownership Mediated through market, not social mechanisms How does CC compare with other forms of economic exchange? CC Buying Renting Access Based Services Sharing Number of actors involved 3 2 2 or more Nature of exchange No transfer of ownership Transfer of ownership Directness of exchange Mediated through market mechanisms Mediated through social mechanisms Benoit, S./Baker, T./Bolton, R./Gruber, T./Kandampully, J. (2017), A Triadic Framework for Collaborative Consumption: Motives, roles and resources, Journal of Business Research 79, 219-227
Roles of actors in CC Motives Activities Resources and capabilities Consumer Peer-service provider Platform provider Motives (Why do actors get involved in CC) Economic: reduce costs Social: belong to “community” Hedonic: access to luxury good Reduce risks and responsibilities (in comparison with ownership) Environmental benefits of “sharing” goods Economic: income from underutilised asset Entrepreneurial freedom Social: get to know new people Economic: making profits Create innovative products/React to market trends Build beneficial relationships with users Activities (What activities do actors in CC perform) Interact with community Provide information (profile, reviews,…) Behave (e.g. leave a clean flat) Grant access to a good Act as main customer contact Offer personalised service Matchmaking: develop technology and algorithms Present the brand and its value Create trust and reduce risks Shape and align social norms (provide “rules of the game”) Resources smoothing (matching demand and supply) Resources and capabilities (What skills / resources are required) Technical skills, i.e. being “tech-savvy” Access to an asset Good reputation/ reviews Trustworthiness Market knowledge Good network (of consumers and peer-service providers) Power to promote and protect CC Stakeholder relations (mobilise people in and outside of the platform) Benoit, S./Baker, T./Bolton, R./Gruber, T./Kandampully, J. (2017), A Triadic Framework for Collaborative Consumption: Motives, roles and resources, Journal of Business Research 79, 219-227
Opportunities for future research Peer-to-peer service provider: Professionalisation: How to make them good brand ambassador without formal training? Work conditions: How do they fit into the welfare system?, How does CC impact the future of work? Evaluation: How to prevent discrimination against certain demographics of providers? Platform provider: Regulatory framework: employee status, taxes,… Success factors: why are some successful, others not? Customer service: how to ensure quality? ? ? ? ? ? Customer: Access: Does CC offer greater access to goods for lower income groups? Motivations: Why might customers prefer CC to other forms of economic exchange? Opinions: How do customers form expectations and evaluations? Triadic ecosystem: Service failure: Who recovers for service failure? Value: What value is extracted from the relationships in the triangle by each actor? Broader ecosystem perspective: How do norms in one sector affect norms in another? Benoit, S./Baker, T./Bolton, R./Gruber, T./Kandampully, J. (2017), A Triadic Framework for Collaborative Consumption: Motives, roles and resources, Journal of Business Research 79, 219-227