How to use the web to let users' ideas lead your work Murray Cox
Social media? It’s all about people There’s a conversation going on – are you part of it? Come together, change the world
Social spaces Facebook MySpace Blogs Twitter Online communities News sites Newsgroups Flickr And so on…
Why does it matter? Neilsen figures (November 2008) show 21.8 million people in the UK are now on social networks That’s more than 60% of the total UK online population Demographics are not what you’d expect… 11% 2-17 35% 18-34 54% 35+
Where did it come from? Founded in 2004, Facebook reached 200 million active users in April 09 It took the telephone 89 years and the TV 38 years to reach 150 million users At 175m users, this would make Facebook the sixth biggest country in the world
Time well spent? On average people spend 4 hours 24 minutes on Facebook each month Just 47 minutes on Myspace Or 1 hour 23 on Bebo
People want to be involved The Starbucks site, mystarbucksidea receives 75,000 ideas from people around the world each year According to the 2008 Cone Business in Social Media Study: 93% believe a company should have a presence in social media 85% think a company should interact with customers via social media 43% say companies should use social media to solve customers’ problems (ie, customer service and tech support) 41% want companies to solicit feedback from customers on products and services 37% think companies should develop new ways to interact with their brand 25% want companies to market to consumers through social media
How does it work? Share Vote Discuss See the idea in action
The wisdom of crowds
Health is different, right? People are already discussing their care and conditions The information is of better quality than you might think Some care providers are already embracing Health 2.0