The LGBTQ Youth Space A program of family & Children services, a DIVISION OF caminar for mental Health
What We Do Drop-in Center Weekly support groups & workshops and events Peer staff and interns Board games, Video games, Free snacks, Computers and internet access, Free clothing & necessities, safer sex supplies Mental Health Services Available to Medi-Cal covered and unsponsored youth, including psychiatry Outreach & Education Campus visits (middle school, high school & colleges) On-campus weekly group at Independence High LGBTQ cultural awareness trainings & education LGBTQ Youth Speaker’s Bureau
Gender Unicorn Takeaways Challenge binary thinking Recognize the fluidity of identity Be mindful of expression and context Terminology and humility
Some Terms and Concepts to Know Transgender/Trans Cisgender Gender Expansive Genderqueer, Non-binary, Genderfluid, etc. Assigned _____at birth (as opposed to “born a ____”) Transitioning (Social, Medical, Legal) Pronouns
Pronouns Pronouns are ways we are referred to aside from our names. Example: This is Jose. He is a teacher. Here is his classroom. Students admire him. In addition to binary pronouns (he/him/his and she/her/hers), there are endless gender neutral pronouns. One common set is they/them/theirs. Where did Riley go? They are in the office, and I’m saving their sandwich for them. It’s okay to ask an individual what their pronouns are. You should also be willing to share yours. A person’s style doesn’t necessarily indicate which pronouns they use. If you make a mistake, quickly apologize, correct yourself, and move on.
Supporting Trans Communities Normalize the diversity of gender identities and expressions. Try not to assume identities. Not every person you interact with is straight and/or cisgender. Consistently use the name and pronouns a person gives you. (Even if you have used a different name/set of pronouns with them in the past.) Pronouns are not optional. Respond to harmful language about queer and trans communities.
Supporting Trans Communities Validate all trans experiences, not just those who have medically transitioned. Do students have access to gender neutral facilities (consider class trips and extra curricular activites) ? Can clients access LGBTQ+ resources from you? Are your forms and paperwork inclusive?
Supporting Trans Communities Try to make a shift toward using more gender neutral language. e.g. “Folks”, “Everyone”, or “People” “Students” instead of “Ladies and Gentlemen” and “Boys and Girls” “Partner” instead of “Boyfriend” or “Girlfriend” Be intentional in creating awareness and opportunities for visibility
Resources for Youth and Families The LGBTQ Youth Space Outlet Gender Spectrum Trans Family Support Group of Santa Clara County PFLAG San Jose
Youth and Young Adult Panel Experiences and Learning from Young people themselves
Contact Us! (408) 343-7940 @thelgbtqyouthspace @LGBTQYouthSpace