Year 7 French Homework Mme Medjdoub Spring term Devoirs… Year 7 French Homework Mme Medjdoub Spring term 2017 - 18
Homework 1 A/ Memorise the verb to eat B/ Memorise the foods
Homework 2 boire = Nous Vous Ils elles buvons * buvez boivent to drink A/ Memorise the verb to DRINK boire = to drink Je Tu Il Elle On bois boit I drink You drink He drinks she drinks We drink We drink You drink they drink They drink Nous Vous Ils elles buvons * buvez boivent
B/ Create your Dream shopping trolly
Homework 2 Due on Thursday 22nd March Qu’est-ce que tu manges…? au petit déjeuner – au déjeuner – au dîner – au goûter – Create a poster showing what you like or would like to eat for the meals above. Add a day of the week or research some new food and drink vocabulary.
Homework 3 Click on the images below to listen to these 2 audio clips on Youtube Practice the pronunciation – are there any mistakes?? Make a short video clip of different food/meals and their pronunciation. Use your kitchen cupboards, your lunchbox or the local supermarket.
Homework 4 Due: 7X & 7Y Thursday 29th March Homework 4 Go on games Go onto : Food and drinks GO onto: Vocabulary Copy document Open a Power Point Paste the list onto your PowerPoint Save your PP onto your documents Now Create your PP with a view to teaching the vocabulary to someone else
Use ‘never’, ‘no longer’ or ‘only’ Due: 7X & 7Y Thursday after half term Homework 5 We have been looking at the rules on how the negative is formed. Create a poster teaching another class on how to form the negative. ne pas Use ‘never’, ‘no longer’ or ‘only’