Union Grove High School ANNOUNCEMENTS Dec 25th - Jan 9th
Prom 2018 Ticket Prices are: Dec – Jan: $80 Feb – Mar: $90 When: April 21, 2018 Where: Georgia Freight Room Time: 8pm – 11pm Tickets can be bought from Ms. VonLaken in the front office or Ms. Merlino in Room 804. Ticket Prices are: Dec – Jan: $80 Feb – Mar: $90 NO TICKET SALES IN APRIL!!!
Club News
Priceless…see Mrs. Spivey in room 410 for an application! Participating in Work-Based Learning your junior or senior year of high school Priceless…see Mrs. Spivey in room 410 for an application!
2 18 Environmental Science Club is moving to Thursday. Starting in: 2 18 Environmental Science Club is moving to Thursday. Room 411 (Dr. White’s) at 3:25 pm.
Registration is now OPEN! UGHS Teens Teaching Tots Preschool 2018 Registration is now OPEN! Up to 15 students ages 3 – 5 (fully potty-trained) will be able to participate in the Preschool at UGHS. There’s still room! Preschool will be from 8:am – 11:00 am on most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in Room 404 at UGHS. Registration fee is $150 one time only and FREE tuition. Preschool dates are January 16th – April 27th (excluding school breaks and special testing dates). If interested email Mrs. Bates or visit the UGHS Office.
Important Senior Information
To be turned into the Counseling Office Remember to bring in your acceptance letters & scholarship awards to be included on the website and/or the graduation program. To be turned into the Counseling Office
Noah Major – Georgia Southern University College Acceptances December 2017 Noah Major – Georgia Southern University Thuy Ngo – SCAD (Academic Honors Scholarship) & Kennesaw State University & University of Bridgeport Trinity Johnson – University of Tennessee Joshua Gavett – Mercer University Amaya Baker – Webster University & University of West Georgia Maya Lofton – Duke University & University of Georgia Krystal Huggins – Middle Georgia State University Jalen Jones – Western Carolina University
Scholarship Information
For more scholarships and important dates, Follow Me @UGScholarships For more scholarships and important dates, follow us on twitter.
https://scholarships360.org/unigo-10k-scholarship/ Unigo Scholarship $10,000 To apply, register for a Unigo account and write a short essay. The essay prompt is: “Surprise! You just got elected president. What’s your first tweet?”. https://scholarships360.org/unigo-10k-scholarship/ Deadline to apply is December 31st.
Deadline to apply is January 2nd. Danforth Scholars Program Recipients will receive full or partial tuition scholarships that are renewable each year. Must be nominated by your counselor and the scholarship is for Washington University in St. Louis. danforthscholars@wustl.edu Deadline to apply is January 2nd.
$1,000 - $3,500 You could receive High School Seniors We are awarding 7 scholarships to graduating HS Seniors. Deadline: Jan 3, 2018 For more information, please visit our website: http://go.bbb.org/atl-scholarship-form
GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Deadline to apply is January 4th. This program annually provides college-bound students with $10,000 renewable scholarships – up to $40,000 total per recipient – and supports them as they lead and serve in college and beyond. https://www.reaganfoundation.org/education/scholarship-program/ge-Reagan-foundation-scholarship-program/ Deadline to apply is January 4th.
Tuskegee Airmen, Inc (Atl Chapter) Deadline to apply is January 5th. $1,500 academic scholarship – could qualify for more on the National level. See Ms. Watts for application packet. Deadline to apply is January 5th.
”Why is a college education important to me?” Win Dollars for College! Black College Expo is looking for all juniors & seniors to participate! Win scholarship Money by writing an essay on… ”Why is a college education important to me?” All entries are to be typed, double spaced and embedded in the email. Email submission to: scholarship@thecollegeexpo.org More details available at www.thecollegeexpo.org Deadline: Jan 22, 2018
National Beta Scholarship Program $1,000 - $15,000 Must be a member of Beta Club, community service, leadership, and participation in Beta activities. www.Betaclub.org/scholarship Deadline to apply is January 25th.
Scholarship Foundation Deadline to apply is January 31st. Henry County Scholarship Foundation Awarded for college and vocational programs and are given for $500, $750, or $1,000, depending upon several factors, including recipient’s qualifications and needs, donor’s wishes, and available funds. http://henryscholarships.com Deadline to apply is January 31st.
2017-2018 Alice Dodd Scholarship for Outstanding Community Service 1st Place receives $1,200 2nd Place receives $800 2017-2018 Bobby Dodd Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Community Service 1st Place receives $1,200 2nd Place receives $800 All Applications must be postmarked by January 31, 2018. See Mrs. Watts in the Counseling Office for an application and more details.
Do you have a 3.75 GPA or higher? Are you in 10th or 11th grade? Do you have a 3.75 GPA or higher? Are you engaged in community service? If you answered yes, see Ms. Watts about the Carson Scholars Program
College Information
Jacksonville State University See Mrs. Watts in the Counseling Office if you are interested in attending Jacksonville State. There are several scholarship opportunities available starting at score of 23 on ACT or 1100 on SAT with a 3.0 grade point average. The scholarship period begins September 1, 2017.
Clemson’s Challenge for Academically Talented Students (C-CATS) For High achieving 9th and 10th graders Top-Ranking students will experience weekend adventures offered at Clemson University Interested students should see Ms. Watts in the Counseling Office
Tryouts will be held on January 9th, 10th, &11th from 3:40-5:15 P.M. TENNIS TRYOUTS Tryouts will be held on January 9th, 10th, &11th from 3:40-5:15 P.M. You MUST have a completed physical in order to tryout.
Summer Opportunities
Yale Young Global Scholars Program Highly selective admission process for current 10th and 11th graders Deadline to apply is February 6th Application link https://globalscholars.yale.edu/apply-now
Submit your online application to SSU Media High A digital magazine and 2 week camp at Savannah State University is looking for HS students for its 2018 Summer Program! Students, ages 14-17, will produce multimedia content for mobile devises and social media. Experience 2 weeks of journalism for mobile devises at Savannah State university. Submit your online application to www.ssumediahigh.com By April 30, 2018
• Listen and interact with guest speakers in the industry The Hospitality Careers Academy is a terrific summer opportunity for students that are interested in a career in hospitality and tourism. During the weeklong Academy students will: • Listen and interact with guest speakers in the industry • Participate in job shadowing and industry tours • Take part in team-building and leadership activities A $450 program fee is due upon acceptance into the program. The tentative dates for the program are July 16-20, 2018. The deadline to apply is Monday, April 30 by 5pm Student acceptance will be based on a competitive process which includes: a completed application, an essay question, three recommendations and a personal interview. We are looking for the future leaders in our industry. The online application for the Hospitality Careers Academy can be found here.
Other Important Information
7th Annual Geranium Drop On the square in downtown McDonough, GA December 31, 2017 On the square in downtown McDonough, GA It’s FREE! LIVE MUSIC! Specials from local restaurants
The Governor's Office of Student Achievement has named Union Grove High a Bronze Award winner for highest academic performance. Student achievement at UGHS ranks in the top 7% of high schools in Georgia. Congratulations to our outstanding students and dedicated faculty and staff.
The office requires 48 hours for completion upon requesting Request For : Certificate of Enrollment to obtain *Learner’s Permit *Permanent Driver’s License Completion of Work Permits – are no longer . required for youth age 16 and older. The office requires 48 hours for completion upon requesting