No regret and interim measures Professor Dr. Pavel Kabat IIASA Director General and Chief Executive Officer Council Meeting 13 November 2017
NO REGRET AND INTERIM MEASURES: DEFINITION No regret (1) and interim (2) measures (1) have a lasting effect and are beneficial to IIASA regardless of its future mission; or (2) tackle urgent recommendations but may require adjustments later on as a result of the upcoming consultative process. They can be implemented relatively quickly and easily and thus allow keeping momentum by focusing on “low-hanging fruits”. In addition, the IIASA DG/CEO, supported by senior managers and directorate staff, is currently reflecting on measures recommended by the reports that could be implemented relatively quickly and easily and with lasting effect (no regret measures). These aim, for instance, at making IIASA fully compliant with present-day rules and procedures and within the current legal and governance framework of IIASA. In addition, interim measures are being developed to tackle urgent recommendations within the current IIASA governance, but which may require adjustments later on as a result of the upcoming consultative process. The full set of the no regret and interim measures will be presented at the November 2017 Council meeting.
NO REGRET AND INTERIM MEASURES: BACKGROUND We are not starting from zero! Many activities have already been on its way, even before the institutional review process started, partly based on previous Council resolutions, e.g.: Enhancing compliance Developing a Human Capital Management Plan Developing a diversity and equality policy
NO REGRET AND INTERIM MEASURES: BACKGROUND In addition, many measures are good management practice in large research organzations, such as: Enhancing transparency Participatory decision-making Delegation of authority
NO REGRET AND INTERIM MEASURES: PROCESS Extensive consultations with the IIASA management community and staff have been carried out since June on the recommendations of the institutional review as well as possible no regret and interim measures. These included, inter alia: 6 retreats with IIASA managers 2 all-staff meetings Consultations with the Staff Association Committee Discussion fora on the intranet
Categories of no regret and interim measures NMO value proposition measures Measures to make IIASA fully compliant with present-day rules and procedures within the current legal and governance framework (charter, handbook, code of conduct) Measures to further enhance transparency Measures to delegate full responsibility and accountability for budgets and decision making Human capital management plan Measures to increase diversity and equality
NMO value proposition measures Examples (for illustration only, discussions are ongoing!): Increase access to IIASA models Create incentives for work with NMOs (e.g. internal research fund for NMO projects) Targeted training/capacity-building activities THE ISSUE REQUIRES FURTHER DISCUSSION IN COUNCIL RETREAT AND TASK FORCE, BUT IIASA SHOULD ADVANCE IN THE MEANTIME
Measures to delegate full Responsibility and accountability for budgets and decision making Examples (for illustration only, discussions are ongoing!): Carry out risk assessment for delegating authority for budget and staff matters to senior and middle managers Develop annual work program and objective-setting process Strengthen horizontal coordination across programs IMPLEMENTATION STARTING IN 2018
Human capital management plan Examples (implementation ongoing): Develop standardized templates for staff appraisals – BY 15 NOVEMBER 2017 Conduct a full round of staff appraisals, including assessment of potential for employee development / training needs – BY END OF JANUARY 2018 Re-evaluate job levels of all staff and related remuneration system, including benchmarking with comparable organizations – TO BE CARRIED OUT 2018/2019
Measures to increase diversity And equality Examples (for illustration only, discussions are ongoing!): Further updating of IIASA’s code of conduct for a professional working environment Addressing remaining gender pay gap issues Develop new parental leave policy (family-time) Assessing feasibility of gender- and age- neutral insurance premiums Intercultural training