DEMOGRAPHICS 46% Young Families 21% Couples 32% Sydney/31% Melbourne 59% White Collar 23% Blue Collar 79% are Main Grocery Buyers Average HH income $101K p/a 27% have kids under 5 in the home Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media View Metro Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: people 18+ and (outdoor advertising really stands out or usually notice) 4,635,000 people ATTITUDES & ACTIVITIES Influence of children when shopping for clothes, food and when they come along they tend to spend more. Close to 30% say they no time to shop around daily. 28% believe they are affluent and nearly 1 in 2 go for the finer things in life. Social on the weekends by going to pubs/bars, café and restaurants. They are likely to go the gym and throughout the year they help their kids with schoolwork, go camping, bring work home and go to music concerts. PEOPLE ,925,000 PEOPLE (63% OF PEOPLE 18+ WHO NOTICE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING) 63 % 63% are heavy outdoor consumers PEOPLE 25-54
MEDIA AND OUTDOOR BEHAVIOUR Outdoor attitudes/opinions 58% notice brand advertising on large billboards 54% say billboard advertising is easy to understand whilst driving 57% say large billboards capture my attention when driving 57% cant miss big billboard signs 48% cant help notice advertising around the airport 49% cant help notice advertising on busses 44% notice advertising on big billboards on way to the shopping centre Commuting to work/study 62% travel by car (alone or car pool) 16% take the bus 20% use the train 5% use the tram/light rail 27% travel an hour or more Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media View Metro Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: people 18+ and (outdoor advertising really stands out or usually notice) 4,635,000 people PEOPLE ,925,000 PEOPLE (63% OF PEOPLE 18+ WHO NOTICE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING) 62% TRAVEL BY CAR PEOPLE 25-54
PURCHASE & INTENTION BEHAVIOUR Alcohol 30% consumed a spirit in the past month Of past month spirit drinkers – 34% consumed Scotch/ Whisky, 29% drank Bourbon, 27% Vodka and 12% Liqueur. 36% drank beer in the past month 27% consider themselves a beer drinker and 38% enjoy having a beer during a social occasion Travel 41% will travel domestic 1 in 4 will travel for holiday/leisure 59% strongly/agree they are considering a cruise 41% intend to travel overseas in the coming year – 18% of these intending travellers intend to go to the USA, 16% New Zealand, 13% Singapore and 12% UK IT 22% own a tablet PC, 34% only have a laptop at home, 72% own/use a smartphone. Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media View Metro Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: people 18+ and (outdoor advertising really stands out or usually notice) 4,635,000 people PEOPLE ,925,000 PEOPLE (63% OF PEOPLE 18+ WHO NOTICE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING) 72% OWN/USE A SMARTPHONE PEOPLE 25-54