Monday 14 June 13:20 – PFC & Active Filters NORPIE 2004 Monday 14 June NTNU Trondheim 14-16 June 13:20 – PFC & Active Filters Chairman: Prof. Hans-Peter Nee, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Comparison of Series Hybrid Active Power Filter Control Systems in Medium Power Application. (013) Juha Turunen, Mika Salo, Heikki Tuusa. A current-source active power filter with a new dc filter structure. (014) Mika Salo. Evaluation of an Advanced Harmonic Filter for Adjustable Speed Drives using a Toolbox Approach. (021) Lucian Asiminoaei, Steffan Hansen, Frede Blaabjerg. Synchronous Voltage Reversal control of TCSC – impact on SSR conditions. (035) Hailian Xie, Lennart Ängquist.