Target Goal: I can explain—. how satellites get in space


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Presentation transcript:

Target Goal: I can explain—. how satellites get in space Target Goal: I can explain— **how satellites get in space **how they stay there **examples of LEO & GEO QOD: How do satellites get into orbit? The website you will see is listed on the homework website if you want to explore further.

Who was responsible for Rockets? Tsiolkovsky (Mr. T) – the theory Goddard—launched first liquid propellant rockets This video is also on the homework website.

LEO vs GEO Orbits

What would they be used for?

GEO (GEosynchronous Orbit) What is it good for? LEO (Low Earth Orbit) GEO (GEosynchronous Orbit) Closer Take pictures Weaker Stays above same location TV/Satellite Weather Stronger

Types of Velocity Suborbital Velocity Orbital Velocity Escape Velocity Demo

I can compare and contrast. . . satellite space probe space shuttle space station What's the difference between . . . satellite space probe space shuttle space station

What's the difference between . . . Satellite--object that orbits another So is the Moon a satellite? The Earth? Artificial vs. Natural Satellite

What's the difference between . . . Space probe--uncrewed vehicle that carries scientific instruments into space to collect data (uncrewed, collects data) So was the mechanism that held Laika a space probe?

What's the difference between . . . Space shuttle--reusable vehicle that takes off like a rocket and lands like an airplane

What's the difference between . . . Space station--a long-term orbiting platform from which other vehicles can be launched or scientific research can be carried out Which country developed the following space stations? Skylab Mir International Space Station

What's the difference between . . . Satellite--object that orbits another Artificial vs. Natural Satellite Space probe--uncrewed vehicle that carries scientific instruments into space to collect data (uncrewed, collects data) Space shuttle--reusable vehicle that takes off like a rocket and lands like an airplane Space station--a long-term orbiting platform from which other vehicles can be launched or scientific research can be carried out

What happens to the stuff that stays in space? Space Junk This video will not play unless in class. It should be accessible through Discovery Education online using the school’s login. Search for “Space Junk”– a Head Rush clip.