Welcome AQS Conference August 22, 2012 Martin Husk
Welcome to the AQS Conference Thanks for attending –We appreciate what you do to make this program a success Many changes to this years conference Want feedback from you AQS Conference2Providence, Rhode Island
This Years Conference Training –An extra half day –Users supply their own laptop –Paperless General sessions –Focus on issues that directly affect our users –Additional panel discussion –Paperless AQS ConferenceProvidence, Rhode Island3
Keys to Success Take advantage of the AQS Team members Attend the caucus sessions Submit questions for the Ask the AQS Team session – Provide conference feedback –Use the on-line evaluation form at any time during the conference – AQS ConferenceProvidence, Rhode Island4
Future of the AQS Conference Scheduled to hold a conference in 2013 –Looking at sites in the mid-west Will then go to an every-other year schedule AQS ConferenceProvidence, Rhode Island5