Writing Sentences
Writing Sentences is Simple! Combine one Subject with one predicate to make one complete Thought.
For Example: Bears stand in cold mountain Streams. The Girl ate Macaroni and cheese.
But Wait Sometimes the Predicate appears first in the sentence.
Example: Lucky are the few who survived the Battle of the Bulge.
Simple Subjects and Predicates Subjects are nouns The simple subject is the key word in a sentence. IF you are having trouble finding the subject, look for the verb and then find the subject.
Example The children carved the pumpkin. Down the street rolled the car.
Compound Subjects and Predicates A sentence can have more than one subject that uses the same verb
Compound Subjects and Predicates When there are two subjects connected by and, or, or nor they are called compound subjects.
Example Manuel and Jonathan held the flag. Julian cannot speak or read French.
Objects The direct object of a sentence is the part of the predicate that receives the action of the verb or shows the result of the action.
Indirect objects Tells to whom or for whom the action of the verb is being done and who is receiving the Direct object
CLauses The subject and Predicate together make up a Clause. If the Clause expresses a complete thought, it is an Independent clause. (a.k.a. complete sentence)
Clauses If the clause does Not express a complete thought it is called a dependent or Subordinate clause.
Sentence Fragments Sentence Fragments do Not make complete Sentences. Often they occur as the result of misuse of punctuation.
Sentence Fragments If you put a period in the wrong place in a sentence you will create a sentence fragment. If you leave out a subject or a predicate you will create a sentence fragment.
Run On Sentences Run on sentences are two or more independent clauses written as one sentence. This means there is no punctuation!