Promoting a Blended Learning System for Open Education This paper surveys: BL & supporting framework Mode of application at AOU Promoting gender equality Adopting QA measures
Building framework Institutional policy Pedagogical platform Learning delivery system
Promoting gender equality By design, the AOU adopts an open system of student enrollment Gender equality is assured by the AOU Charter Statistics of interest: Year Total Female Male 07/08 15568 6275 9383 08/09 13539 6147 7392
Learning resources development Continuous enhancement Integration of resources Adding supporting facilities
A new culture in formation Socio-cultural issues of concern Economic issues of concern; tuition Political issues of concern: local & international accreditation & validation Regional acceptance
Combating plagiarism TMAs – Homework-like assignments Experimenting with “Turnitin” Moving on to “Copycatch”
QA measures: Institutional Programmatic Note: Measures are based on standards of the UK-based Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
QA programmatic measures: Main components of learning outcomes (LOs) may be described by the following: Knowledge and understanding Cognitive skills Discipline-based professional development Key skills
QA institutional measures Applying The QAA Code of Practice Objective: To serve as an institutional operational framework for Quality Assurance:
QA institutional measures: Collaborative Provision External Examining: Academic Appeals and Complaints by Students Student Assessment Program Approval and Monitoring
QA instit. measures, cont’d Career Education & Guidance Student Recruitment & Admissions Students with Disabilities Placement Learning