Why Preserve Wild Species?
Maintaining Genetic Diversity The more genetic diversity a species demonstrates, the more resistance the species will have to disease caused by bacteria and viruses. It also increases the chances of adaptation to environmental fluctuations. Endangered species often have low genetic diversity within the population putting them at risk. Ex. Cheetahs
Genetic diversity in a crop increases it’s resistance to pest and disease. Crossing crops with ancestral native varieties will increase genetic diversity. Genetic diversity within common crop species tends to be low.
Economic Importance Food source- all domestic crops and livestock originally come from wild species Nutient fixation- bacteria and fungi drive decomposition. Pollination- insects, bats, and birds pollinate crops.
Medical Importance Plant or plant extracts. Antibiotics from microbes. Animal testing is valuable in determining if drugs are safe for human use.
Aesthetic (beauty) and Recreational Importance Sport Hunting. Regulated hunting supports wild species conservation. Birding. Birders spend millions of dollars on gear and traveling supporting the economy Ecotourism.
Scientific Importance Study how life evolves and functions.
Ecological Importance Food web stability. Nutrient cycling. Provide oxygen (photosynthesis). Pest control (things eat other things.
Ethics Living things have an inherit right to exist. Human responsibility to protect other organisms and the earth.
Wild Species in Crisis
Critically Endangered There are so few individuals left that extinction is eminent without drastic measures being taken. Governmental programs and large infusions of money may be necessary.
Endangered So few that it could soon become extinct over all or most of its range. The species will need protection and other measures may need to be taken such as captive breeding programs.
Examples: California Condor, Whooping Crane, Ivory billed Woodpecker.
Threatened species Still abundant but numbers dropping and soon will be endangered. A certain level of protection is often instituted including habitat preservation.
Examples: Bald Eagle, Grizzly Bear, American Alligator?